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Hee-o, wee-o, hear the pipes a-croonin', Like the dragon's beetle-wings a-droonin', Dyeea guard us from the Sword-man's quellin', Hee-o, wee-o, bairnie in our dwellin'! Hush thee, my baby O! hear the dogs bark, Herdin' the lammies home out o' the dark. Cradled and christened frae goblin's despite, House-folk we hear the kirk bells through the night.

His big hands were as tender as a woman's as he stripped off the boy's soaking clothes and substituted for them a fresh suit of warm lammies. Before putting them on, he gave Ken such a rubbing with a rough towel as sent the stagnant blood tingling through every vein. 'Thanks awfully, said Ken gratefully. 'I say, how's Gill? He got knocked silly with the blast of the shell that sunk the "Swan."

He piloted me to the steel tunnel, where the ham still swung majestically over the swaying table, and dragged out trousers and a coat with a monk's hood, all hewn from one hairy inch-thick board. "If you fall over in these you'll be drowned. They're lammies. I'll chock you off with a pillow; but sleepin' in a torpedo-boat's what you might call an acquired habit."

"Mysie, woman," said he, "there is a storm coming up from old Solway; I maun e'en gae and fauld the ewes wi' their young lammies. Come awa', Keeper and Sandy." The dogs selected rose at once and followed Andrew with right good-will.

Ye wad gar the fowk lauch." "What's the richt flooer to tak' to the kirk, Annie?" "Ay! ay! Sic like's what?" asked Cupples, for he had found in Annie a poetic nature that delighted him. "Ow! sic like's thyme and southren-wood, and maybe a bittie o' mignonette." "Ay! ay! And sae the cowmon custom abuses you, young, bonnie lammies o' the flock.

Dear Lord, help all the faithful shepherds who care for the ninety-and-nine that lie in the safe cover of the fold; help us, too, for we are the wandering shepherds whose part it is to go out over the bleak hills, up the mountain sides and rocky places, and gather in out of the storm and stress of things all the poor, unshepherded, wee bit lammies that have either wandered forlornly away from shelter, or have been born in the wilderness, and know no other home.

The coxswain, big Tom Tingle, fished him out a suit of lammies, the warm gray woollen garments which are the regular cold weather wear of the British Navy, and, as soon as he had got into them, put a mug of steaming cocoa into his hands. 'Prime stuff, ain't it, Ken? said Dave, and Ken, as he felt the grateful warmth creeping through his chilled frame, nodded.

"I wouldn't let her," said Dedy. "What did she call you?" "O, monkeys, and lammies, and pinkies, and things. Don't you s'pose she's 'most an April fool?" After watching Prudy to the child's vexation for about two hours, Ruth forgot all about her, and it so happened that the little thing strayed off with Horace and his friend Gilbert, whom he called "Grasshopper," to a little clearing in the wood.

The poor, dear lammies cried 'Faither! mither! dinna let them touch us! I took the auldest up in my arms, and begged that I micht be allowed a blanket to row her in. Nancy took up the youngest one, and while the sale went on, with our dying bairns in our arms, we sat down in the street before the door, as twa beggars but we were not begging. "Our case excited universal commiseration.

"That's no vera likly," answered Maggie with a smile, as she stood in the doorway, in the wakeful night of the northern summer: "it's ane o' the Lord's ain lammies 'at he cam to the hills to seek. He's fund this ane!" "Weel, weel, my bonnie doo, it sanna be for me to contradick ye! But wae's upo' me for a menseless auld wife! come in; come in: the mair welcome 'at ye're lang expeckit!