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I would rather refer to her as lissome and willowy, and tell how her sorrow for the dead wrapped her 'round with weeds and becoming sable but in the interests of truth I dare not. Some of her suitors were widowers ancient of days, fat and Falstaffian. Others were lean and lacrimose, with large families, fortunes impaired and futures mostly behind.

Each thought the other was going to turn Lucretia Borgia, or play the last act of Romeo and Juliet, at least. There were wild bursts of rage on the mother's part, stubborn mockery on the other, followed up once by a poker flung with almost fatal precision at the poet's curly head. Upon this he took flight to London and Hydra followed, repentant and lacrimose.

His lacrimose raptures over so simple a thing as a youthful friendship; his abject confession of despair and dependence; his long-drawn-out revelation of a sick heart, and his morbid craving for sympathy in a passion which he himself feels to be abominable, all this suggests a cankered soul of which there can be little hope.

They scraped together their pennies, borrowed a few more, got a single letter of introduction between them to some person of unknown influence, and started away, with the lacrimose blessings of the elderly bride, and of Davy's mother. They must have been a queer sight when the stage let them down at the Strand dusty, dirty, tired and scared by the babel of sounds and sights!

Either they were veiled by a distant setting of the scene, or the indictment of the age was presented incidentally in connection with some lacrimose tragedy of the individual. People had learned to sigh and weep that things should be so, but there the matter ended.

The event proved that he had reckoned well: the "brilliant drops" fell copiously, the innovation crossed the Channel, and soon the bourgeois tragedy, whence by an easy differentiation the lacrimose, pathetic, or serious comedy, had entered upon its European career.

On these trips if he did not take Madame along she would grow furious, then lacrimose and finally submissive with a weepy protest. If he failed to write her daily she grew hysterical. Two winters they spent together in Paris and another at Brussels.

Further than that, in every library there are Washington Irving, Hawthorne, and William Winter's three lacrimose but charming volumes.