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"She has not a good temper, poor thing!" said Rose; "but if you would only think how true and honest she is, how hard she toils, and how ill she fares, and yet how steadily she holds to us, you would surely not plague and torment her." Rose was interrupted by a great outcry, and in rushed Deborah, screaming out, "Lack-a-day! Mistress Rose! O Master Walter! what will become of us?

One evening in coming up some steps Princess Anne entangled her foot in her pink taffetas petticoat, nearly fell, and tore a large rent, besides breaking the thread of the festoons of seed pearls which bordered it, and scattering them on the floor. "Lack-a-day! Lack-a-day!" sighed she, as after a little screaming she gathered herself up again. "That new coat!

"I trust that you have taken no hurt, my fair lady," said Alleyne, conducting her to the bank, upon which John had already placed a cushion. "Nay, I have had no scath, though I have lost my silver tweezers. Now, lack-a-day! did God ever put breath into such a fool as Michael Easover of Romsey? But I am much beholden to you, gentle sirs. Soldiers ye are, as one may readily see.

"The Bold one and his doughty friend, Glumm the Gruff of Horlingsend, Faced, fought, and felled, and bravely slew, Full twenty men a berserk crew Sent by King Harald them to slay But much he rued it lack-a-day! The heroes cut and hacked them sore, Hit, split, and slashed them back and fore And left them lying in their gore." On examination it was found that Glumm's hurt was not severe.

They ran like a flock of sheep. What leader could do anything with such troops? Oh, lack-a-day, lack-a-day! Shall we not advance? 'There is no reason to advance, your Majesty, now that the surprise has failed, said Saxon. 'I had sent for carts to bridge over the trench, according to the plan which is commended in the treatise, "De vallis et fossis," but they are useless now.

Flockhart, Fergus Mac-Ivor's good-humoured landlady. 'Gude guide us, Mr. Waverley, is this you? na, ye needna be feared for me. I wad betray nae gentleman in your circumstances. Eh, lack-a-day! lack-a-day! here's a change o' markets; how merry Colonel Mac-Ivor and you used to be in our house! And the good-natured widow shed a few natural tears.

"Well, do you or your chamberlain undo the door. I want a fresh horse; and I want to know how things are at the Castle." "The Castle lack-a-day! Chamberlain Matthew Chamberlain I say, Matt!"

Cole says, "Lack-a-day! a thimbleful oversets me." To add to these feelings I have the constant increase of my lameness: the thigh-joint, knee-joint, and ankle-joint. December 21. I walk with great pain in the whole limb, and am at every minute, during an hour's walk, reminded of my mortality. I should not care for all this, if I was sure of dying handsomely.

The one can do nought that the other knows not of. I dare be bound she is helping her to draw poor Master Norman into her net for Agatha will have none of him; she's after Master Matthew." "Lack-a-day! I never thought nobody was after anybody!" said innocent Amphillis.

He seemed brighter, too; but lack-a-day, 'twere not ten months afore I had to dig a grave for her, and she left him a two-day-old babe to bring up and little Miss Violet were the joy of his heart she were a purty, bright little maid, and were out on her little pony every day wi' her father. She just doated on him, and he were as lovin' as a woman wi' her.