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In the hollow at the foot of the stairs was what I took to be a very old and rough christening font, such as I had seen in village churches. But it was not that; it was called a pierre a l'huile. Its purpose a long time ago was to receive the oil taken from the first pressing of walnuts after the annual gathering.

LE BECK, in the Asiatic Researches, vol. v. p. 993; but by far the most able and intelligent description is contained in the Account of the Pearl Fisheries of Ceylon, by JAMES STEUART, Esq., Inspector of the Pearl Banks, 4to. En même temps ils se mettent dans l'oreille du coton trempé dans de l'huile." See Memorandum on the Pearl Fisheries in Persian Gulf. Journ. Geogr.

"Oh, something you like that is a wife's secret: keep the stomach of a man warm, and his heart will never grow cold. What say you to fried eels?" "Bravo!" cried the gay old boatman, as he sang, "'Ah! ah! ah! frit a l'huile, Frit au beurre et a l'ognon!" and the jolly couple danced into their little cottage no king and queen in Christendom half so happy as they.

"Elle a besoin de l'huile," said the Prince in a loud stage whisper, and took the oil-can and flourished it about my shoulders. They made so many jokes and puns that they were continually interrupted by the peals of laughter which followed each joke. "Faites-la donc chanter," implored Voguee. "N'y a-t-il pas un clou?"

Tranche de melon 1 0 Artichaud a la poivrade 0 15 Raves et Radis 0 6 Salade de concombres 1 10 Thon marine 1 10 Anchois a l'huile 1 5 Olives 0 15 Pied de cochon a la Sainte-Menehould 0 12 Cornichons 0 8 Petit sale aux choux 1 5 Saucisses aux choux 0 18 1 Petit Pain de Beurre 0 4 2 OEufs frais 0 12 1 Citron 0 8 Rissole a la Choisy 1 0 Croquette de volaille 1 4 3 Rognons a la brochette 1 0 Tete de veau en tortue 2 5 Tete de veau au naturel 1 0 1 Cotelette de porc frais, sauce robert 1 0 Chou-Croute garni 1 10 Jambon de Mayence aux epinards 1 5

That pretty figure and complexion which still appear so captivating in M. Dubufe's portrait of Madame la Duchesse d'Ivry, have long existed it must be owned only in paint. "Je la prefere a l'huile," the Vicomte de Florac said of his cousin. "She should get her blushes from Monsieur Dubufe those of her present furnishers are not near so natural."

Je mer etait comme l'huile, mais avec un so-so!" And he swayed his hands to and fro with a rocking movement "Et le so-so faisaient les dames ah, ciel! so-so!" And he placed his hand delicately to his head, with an inimitable turning aside gesture that caused a ripple of laughter. Maryllia's eyes sparkled with fun. She saw Mrs.