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Accordingly he raised a turmoil which sent the staff flying. One by one, he gave the mob of secretaries and clerks a real good hammering. 'You, and you, and you, he said, 'do not even know your duties. You are law-breakers. Yes, he trod every man of them under foot. At length the General himself arrived from another office, and sounded the alarm. What was to be done with a fellow like Kopeikin?

But allow me, gentlemen, to piece together the further threads of the story. Not two months later there appeared in the forests of Riazan a band of robbers: and of that band the chieftain was none other than " "Allow me," put in the Head of the Police Department. "You have said that Kopeikin had lost an arm and a leg; whereas Chichikov " To say anything more was unnecessary.

And if for the moment you have nothing to live upon, this is the best that I can do for you. With that he handed Kopeikin a trifle until his case should have been decided. However, that was not what Kopeikin wanted.

"Who, then?" replied the crowd in great excitement. "He is none other than Captain Kopeikin." "And who may Captain Kopeikin be?" "After fighting in the campaign of 1812, there was sent home, wounded, a certain Captain Kopeikin a headstrong, lively blade who, whether on duty or under arrest, made things lively for everybody.

'Come to me again in a few days' time. Upon this friend Kopeikin felt delighted.

"My God, my God!" said Pavel Ivanitch, and he shook his head mournfully. "To tear a man out of his home, drag him twelve thousand miles away, then to drive him into consumption and... and what is it all for, one wonders? To turn him into a servant for some Captain Kopeikin or midshipman Dirka! How logical!" "It's not hard work, Pavel Ivanitch.

First he walked up to one person, and then up to another, saying: 'What do YOU want? And what do YOU want? What can I do for YOU? What is YOUR business? And at length he stopped before Kopeikin, and Kopeikin said to him: 'I have shed my blood, and lost both an arm and a leg, for my country, and am unable to work.

That's one comfort. Again, after he had ridden a little way, he said to himself: 'they told me at the Commission to go and make my own means of enjoying myself. Very good. I'll do so. However, what became of Kopeikin, and whither he went, is known to no one. He sank, to use the poet's expression, into the waters of Lethe, and his doings now lie buried in oblivion.

Here, constable, remove the man to gaol. Then a constable who had been called to the door a constable three ells in height, and armed with a carbine a man well fitted to guard a bank placed our friend in a police waggon. 'Well, reflected Kopeikin, 'at least I shan't have to pay my fare for THIS ride.

Also, at the entrance there was posted a grand Swiss footman with a baton and an embroidered collar a fellow looking like a fat, over-fed pug dog. However, friend Kopeikin managed to get himself and his wooden leg into the reception room, and there squeezed himself away into a corner, for fear lest he should knock down the gilded china with his elbow.