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There were referees in the settlement of the estate of Kobus Van Klinck, whom I will not name; but what between the handwriting of the old grocer, and some inaccuracy in the figures, they had but a blind time of it until they discovered which way the balance ought to come; and then by working backward and forward, which is the true spirit of your just referee, they got all straight in the end.

Kite, killed by a game-cock. Knot, retention of winter plumage by the. Knox, R., on the semilunar fold; on the occurrence of the supra-condyloid foramen in the humerus of man; on the features of the young Memmon. Koala, length of the caecum in. Kobus ellipsiprymnus, proportion of the sexes in. Kolreuter, on the sterility of hybrid plants. Koodoo, development of the horns of the; markings of the.

Smith, Sir A., on the recognition of women by male Cynocephali; on revenge by a baboon; on an instance of memory in a baboon; on the retention of their colour by the Dutch in South Africa; on the polygamy of the South African antelopes; on the polygamy of the lion; on the proportion of the sexes in Kobus ellipsiprymnus; on Bucephalus capensis; on South African lizards; on fighting gnus; on the horns of rhinoceroses; on the fighting of lions; on the colours of the Cape Eland; on the colours of the gnu; on Hottentot notions of beauty; disbelief in communistic marriages.

Kobus was not very lucid in his statements, and he was a little apt to be careless of ink. His leger might be called a book of the black art; for it was little else than fly-tracks and blots, though the last were found of great assistance in rendering the statements satisfactory.

Yes, my beloved friend, now my wife goes to see the children, and Kobus Hae will convey her to you. I am, SECHELE, The Son of Mochoasele." This statement is in exact accordance with the account given by the native teacher Mebalwe, and also that sent by some of the Boers themselves to the public colonial papers.

In the evening I killed a nsamma doe, an animal very much like the Kobus Ellipsiprymnus, but without the lunated mark over the rump; and at night, about 1 a.m., turned out to shoot an elephant, which we distinctly heard feasting on plantains; but rain was falling, and the night so dark, he was left till the morning. 2d.

It is not altogether as respectable as becomes the confidential servant of a man of a certain station in the world. There are thy two cousins, Brom and Kobus, who are no better than a couple of blackguards; and as for the English negro, Diomede he is a devil's imp!

Something they must have been, and as Kobus dealt largely in sugar, there was also a strong moral probability that they were the said hogsheads. Come, come, Patroon; we shall have the jade back again, in proper time.