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I've stood for hours peeking out a knot-hole in the wall, with that same old shotgun Donny got hold of, ready to shoot the first Injun that stuck his nose from behind a rock." The color came into her cheeks at the memory, and a sparkle into her eyes. "I've seen real fighting, when it was a life-and-death matter.

The fond male flew to a knot-hole in an old apple-tree, and coaxed her to his side. I heard a fine confidential warble, the old, old story. But the female flew to a near tree, and uttered her plaintive, homesick note.

Well I worried around all night without sleep, and in the morning I felt as if I had been drawn through a knot-hole. I must have lost ten pounds. I went around about 10 A.M. and gave my letters to Pethick, an American U. S. Vice-Consul and interpreter to Li Hung Chang. He said he would fix them for me.

"'In the floor beneath me is a knot-hole, which doth open to the outer air; and upon the opening is a flat stone, which, little by little, more or less, I remove and replace in accordance with certain laws, allowing just the proper amount of atmospheric air to enter from below. This oil maketh very little smoke, yet seest thou not some smoke emerge from the open faucet?

They think you and that old fool of a Vienny selectman that's lettin' a personal row ball up the bus'ness of two towns are both bedeviled." "She's prob'ly got it over them, too," enigmatically observed Mr. Gammon, in a voice as hollow as wind in a knot-hole. This time the outside "Squawnk" was so imperious that Mr. Gammon opened the door. In waddled the one who had been demanding admittance.

Let him inspect its mysteries through the knot-hole he has secured, but not use that orifice as a medium for his popgun. Such a society is the crown of a literary metropolis; if a town has not material for it, and spirit and good feeling enough to organize it, it is a mere caravansary, fit for a man of genius to lodge in, but not to live in.

'Co'se it is, says I. Then he 'lowed he'd give me two dollahs ef I said he was de man dat killed de b'ah." Blount stared reflectively at a knot-hole in the side of the barn. "Jim," said he, at length, "give me the two dollars. I'll take care of that." So saying, he swung on his heel and turned away. The day was now far advanced, and the great white house had grown silent.

Things is feelin' shaky, an' you mus' undo yer wits fer me an' set 'em a-warkin'. If the Dootchy kin hev a 'sosheashin, I kin, too. If he kin run in Poles an' Eyetalyans, I kin run in niggers an' Jerseymen." Dennie contemplated a knot-hole in the floor for several minutes. "No, Colonel," he said, at last, "that wont do.

After that there was a great to-do up in the hollow. Teddy watched it all lying on his stomach in the door of the knot-hole, for it was moonlight by this time and almost as bright as day. The little owls got up on the edge of the hollow and there they sat, teetering and flapping and afraid to fly.

"You bet dar is," said he, "a knot-hole not fur f'm de gran'-stan', an' a tree what you could climb, right handy." Miss Alathea was not favorable to the thought of climbing trees, and said so. "No, no; the knot-hole will be far better for me." "But, Miss 'Lethe, why, de Cunnel " She did not let him make his explanation. "Sh! Sh!" she hissed. "Not a word of this to him, or anyone!