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"What is the next letter?" asked Frank, indicating it with the point of his knife-blade. "X," answered the pupil readily. "No, Pomp," was the dismayed reply. "It is very different from X." "Dat's him name at school," said Pomp positively. "No, Pomp, you are mistaken. That is X, away down there." "Perhaps him change his name," suggested Pomp. "No. The letters never change their names.

"Just bein' neighborly," he growled as he rapidly loaded. "Shot them two arrers off the next roof." Suddenly the savage howling ceased; nor were there any more fire-arrows. Then the Englishman began shouting. He was once more calling us. I answered and wriggled the knife-blade between the logs. Sure of my attention he loudly informed us: "Dale passes the word for us to stop fighting.

Here, too, came the youth who wanted to cut his name above Washington's, and who found, to his horror, when half-way up, that he must keep on, for he had left no resting-places for his feet at safe and reachable distances who, therefore, climbed on and on, cutting handhold and foothold in the limestone until he reached the top, in a fainting state, his knife-blade worn to a stump.

He drew his collecting-box from his pocket, and taking from it a seed-envelope, handed the latter to the coroner. "That fragment of steel is in this envelope," he said, "and it is possible that it may correspond to the notch in the knife-blade." Amidst an intense silence the coroner opened the little envelope, and let the fragment of steel drop on to a sheet of paper.

"In that state, the wood was successively moistened with clear water, in small compartments, which disposed it to detach itself: then the artist separated it with the rounded point of a knife-blade." "The picture, thus deprived of all the wood, presented to the eye every symptom of the injury which it had sustained.

"What did I tell ye?" he demanded. "Just as any one might ha' told that lawyer," said a man, clicking his knife-blade. The long autumn passed and winter set in. Snow fell on the carry and the big sleds jangled across. Men went up past Sunkhaze settlement into the great region of snow and silence, and men came down bearded men, with hands calloused by the ax and the cross-cut saw. But Col.

Brought forward, 2 6 By advance from me on security of next uncle, and failing that, to be called in at Christmas . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 By shaken out of missionary-box with the help of a knife-blade. Total 5 0 and at last we breathed again. The rest promised to be easy.

A notch is cut in one of the sticks, which, with a close-grained outside, has a small core of pith, and this notched stick is laid horizontally on a knife-blade on the ground; the operator squatting, places his great toes on each end to keep all steady, and taking the other wand which is of very hard wood cut to a blunt point, fits it into the notch at right angles; the upright wand is made to spin rapidly backwards and forwards between the palms of the hands, drill fashion, and at the same time is pressed downwards; the friction, in the course of a minute or so, ignites portions of the pith of the notched stick, which, rolling over like live charcoal on to the knife-blade, are lifted into a handful of fine dry grass, and carefully blown, by waving backwards and forwards in the air.

My knife-blade is bruk, but I reckon thar is enough lef' ter split my jugular whenst the eend is kem at last." The girl suddenly caught her faculties together. "What sorter fool talk is that!" she demanded sternly. "Ye do my bid, ef ye knows what's good fer ye. Git out'n this trap of a tree an' hide 'mongst the crevices of the rocks till seben o 'clock ternight.

But with Hamersley, who speaks his own native tongue, now cross-questioning him, and Walt Wilder to extract his testimony by the persuasive influence of a knife-blade glistening in his eyes, he goes further, and admits the unnatural confederation that existed between the white and red robbers the Mexican colonel and Comanche chief.