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Ruskin's Praeterita, Scenes and Thoughts of My Past Life. Benson's Ruskin: A Study in Personality. Earland's Ruskin and his Circle. Harrison's John Ruskin. Birrell's Life of Charlotte Brontë. Kitton's Dickens, his Life, Writings, and Personality. Gissing's Charles Dickens: A Critical Study. Chesterton's Charles Dickens. Hughes's Dickens as an Educator. Philip's A Dickens Dictionary.

"Well," she said without preface, "they've done it. Emerel Kitton's married. She's just married Abe at the parsonage to get out o' bein' debooed. They've gone to take the train now." No one could fail to see what this would mean to Mrs. Ricker and Kitton, and, rather than the newly married Emerel, it was she who absorbed our speculation. "Mis' Ricker just slimpsed," Calliope told me.

the invitations said, and the "Pa" was divined to imply "Please answer." "It's Kitton's money an' it's his daughter. I hed to hev him in it somehow," Mrs. Ricker explained her double signature. "You see," she added, "up till now I ain't never been situate' so's Emerel could come out. I've always wanted to give her things, too, but 't seems like when I've tried, everything's shook its fist at me.

Melville's The Thackeray Country. Kitton's The Dickens Country. Sloan's The Carlyle Country. Dougall's The Burns Country. Crockett's The Scott Country. Hill's Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends. Cook's Homes and Haunts of John Ruskin. Eliot, The Brontë Country, Thackeray Land, The Thames from Oxford to the Nore. Hutton's Literary Landmarks of Edinburgh.