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You are quite right in your surmise; but may I ask why you have spoken to me about it in this way?" "That's just what I was comin' to, ma'am," said the cobbler. "I've got a daughter, too. I suppose you think she ain't fit to be mentioned in the same day with that glorious gal of yours." "Oh, Mr. Kimper!" murmured the lady. "Well if you don't, I don't see how you can help doin' it; that's all.

Never before had he been absent, unless sick, from any special effort of his church to persuade the sinners to flee from the wrath to come; but when Dr. Guide announced that he should ask Sam Kimper to assist him in the special meetings, the deacon's conscience bade him halt and consider. Dr.

Dey know dey couldn't get anyding if dey did." Meanwhile Sam Kimper went on, after the humble manner in which he had begun, to try to bring his family to his new standard of respectability. He introduced family prayers, much to the disgust of his son Tom and the amusement of his daughter Mary.

Kimper, after the natural expressions of astonishment had been made. "Well," said Sam, "I suppose it was because I wanted to talk to somebody that I was better acquainted with." Mrs. Kimper looked at her husband in astonishment. Sam returned his wife's gaze, but with a placid expression of countenance. "I don't amount to much, Sam," Mrs. Kimper finally sighed, with a helpless look.

I'm only a human being, and a poor, weak, and sinful creature, but there's certainly a good many folks in this town that would not have started in the right way when they did if it hadn't been for what I said to them. Now, here's the biggest movement of the kind going on that ever was known in this town, and I'm out of it. What for? Just because I don't agree with Sam Kimper.

According to my memory of the record, and I've re-read it several times since Sam Kimper's return, He confined His attentions quite closely to the poor and wretched, apparently to the helpless, worthless class to whom the Kimper family would have belonged had it lived at that time. 'They that are whole need no physician, you remember? 'but they that are sick."

That's Bartram himself, as sure as I'm born, an' with him is Mrs. Prency's only daughter an' only child. Well, well!" As the summer lengthened into early autumn, Sam Kimper became more and more troubled by the necessities of his family.

He has come here to-night to testify to the hope that is within him. He feels that he is weak and halting of speech, but, blessed be the spirit of our Master, that makes all of us brothers, it does not take eloquence or superfluity of words to let out anything that the heart is full of. I ask the attention and sympathy of all present for our brother Samuel Kimper."

Bartram, but it ought to comfort you to know that all the better people in the town are very glad to learn of it, and that his example is making them very much ashamed of themselves, and that, instead of the meetings being conducted almost entirely by him and Sam Kimper, hereafter " "Him and Sam Kimper! Mother! the idea of mentioning the two persons in the same day! in the same breath!

"I'm not goin' to shout, or be anythin' I know of, except an honest man: you can tell that to all the fellers you like." "An' be told I'm a blamed liar? Not much." Mrs. Kimper seemed to be in a mournful revery, and when finally she spoke it was in the voice of a woman talking to herself, as she said,