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When you fust start out, I was gwine long wid you, but you lef me, and den you said nuffin 'bout me comin' wid you, and I spose you not kear 'bout habin me bodderin' you. Dat's all how it war, Massa Tom. "'Yes, Ham, I see. Well, it is all right. You stay with the headquarters and take care of my traps, and I will not ask you to take command of my troops in time of battle.

The fire now reaches to the cabin occupied by Mrs. Kear, who, shrieking wildly, is brought on deck by Miss Herbey. A moment more, and Silas Huntly makes his appearance, his face all blackened with the grimy smoke; he bows to Curtis, as he passes, and then proceeds in the calmest manner to mount the aft-shrouds, and installs himself at the very top of the mizzen.

Two hours later and suddenly there arose the startling cry, "We are sinking! we are sinking!" Up to the poop rushed Mr. Kear, followed immediately by Falsten and Miss Herbey, who were bearing the inanimate form of Mrs. Kear. Curtis ran to his cabin, instantly returning with a chart; a sextant, and a compass in his hand.

No, no, lad- take back the stuff; it will do me no sarvice, I took kear to get all the Frenchman’s powder afore he broke up, and they say lead grows where I’m going. it isn’t even fit for wads, seeing that I use none but leather! Madam Effingham, let an old man kiss your hand, and wish God’s choicest blessings on you and your’n” “Once more let me beseech you, staycried Elizabeth.

About three o'clock I noticed that Mr. Kear and Silas Huntly were holding an animated conversation in the fore- top. The petroleum merchant had evidently some difficulty in bringing the ex-captain round to his opinion, for I saw him several times shake his head as he gave long and scrutin- izing looks at the sea and sky.

Kear has been induced to leave the poop, and has managed to join M. Letourneur and his son on the main-top, where she lies in a state of complete prostration. I need hardly add that Miss Herbey continues in her unwearied attendance.

Not with us," was the reply. "She's gone adrift, then!" And sure enough the whale-boat was no longer hanging from the bowsprit; and in a moment the discovery was made that Mr. Kear, Silas Huntly, and three sailors, a Scotch- man and two Englishmen, were missing.

On hearing the outcry, all the crew, supposing that the fire had now in reality broken out, rushed on deck; the rest of the passengers soon joined them, and the scene that ensued was one of the utmost confusion. Mrs. Kear fell down senseless on the deck, and her husband, occupied in looking after himself, left her to the tender mercies of Miss Herbey.

Kear has been induced to leave the poop, and has managed to join M. Letourneur and his son on the main-top, where she lies in a state of complete prostration. I need hardly add that Miss Herbey continues in her unwearied attendance.

Kear interposed, and in a gruff, ill- tempered tone, asked Curtis where we were. Curtis replied that he did not know. "You don't know, sir? Then all I can say is that you ought to know!" exclaimed the petroleum merchant. "That may be, sir; but at present I am as ignorant of our whereabouts as you are yourself," said Curtis. "Well," said Mr.