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By the time we reached Albert our height was 12,000 feet, and we steered eastward over the ground gained in the June-July advance. Beyond the scrap-heap that once was Pozières two enormous mine craters showed up, dented into the razed surface, one on either side of the Albert-Bapaume road. Flying very low a few buses were working on trench reconnaissance.

Meantime this earth of ours we hold a fair slice of it so far is full of wonders and miracles and mysteries and marvels, and, in default, it is good to go up and down seeing and hearing tell of them all. NEW OXFORD, U.S.A., June-July 1892. 'The truth is, said the man in the train, 'that we live in a tropical country for three months of the year, only we won't recognise.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Dr. Alfred Reginald Allen, at 9:30 A. M., in Parlor E, Hotel McAlpin. Dr. Allen delivered The Presidential Address. Dr. James J. Putnam, of Boston, read a paper entitled, "The Necessity of Metaphysics." Published in the June-July number, p. 88, of this Journal. DR. MORTON PRINCE, Boston: I sympathize with Dr.

On the whole the book is clearly written and can be recommended to those who wish a brief and at the same time comprehensive account of the modern theories of sleep and its disorders. I wish to call your attention to the fact that the quotation attributed to me on p. 135 in the June-July issue of your Journal is a misrepresentation of what I actually said.

Little did this diffident and youthful editor imagine that he was forecasting the future for himself by the aid of youth's most ardent desires, and that he would live to become the Primate of all England and the foremost statesman of his day. There were two volumes of the Miscellany, dated June-July and October-November, respectively, and Mr.

THE VICTORY AT SEA, Vice-Admiral W. S. Sims, U. S. N., 1920. ZEEBRUGGE AND OSTEND DISPATCHES, ed. by C. Sanford Terry, 1919. C. S. Alden, U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings. June-July, 1920. The brief survey of sea power in the preceding chapters has shown that the ocean has been the highway for the march of civilization and empire.

The vaunted Manhood Suffrage Bill had been introduced by an anti-woman-suffrage Quaker Minister and its Second reading been proposed by an equally anti-feminist Secretary of State this was in June-July, 1912; and no member of the Cabinet had risen to say a word in favour of the Women's claims.

Southard and Tepper. The Possible Correlation between Delusions and Cortex Lesions in General Paresis. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, October-November 1913. Southard and Stearns. How far is the Environment Responsible for Delusions? Journal of Abnormal Psychology, June-July, 1913. Southard.

"What shall we send them?" his wife asked, disregarding the flippancy of the remark. "A handsomely bound copy of the 'Report of the Commission to Examine into the Chicago Strike, June-July, 1894." As Louise failed to see the point, he remarked: "I think I hear your son talking about something more important. Shall we go upstairs to see him? I must be off in a few minutes."

Lavalette judged the position of the Directory, or rather of the Triumvirate which swayed it, to be so precarious that he cautioned his chief against any definite espousal of its cause; and in June-July, 1797, Bonaparte almost ceased to correspond with the Directors except on Italian affairs, probably because he looked forward to their overthrow as an important step towards his own supremacy.