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"H'm! I guess it'll be a bad day for Enrique and the jumping-jack, that's all," laughed his cousin. "But there goes the cable, and it looks like we might be off at last." "I'm not sorry, for many things!" declared Andy, with a sigh of positive relief.

A thousand times more philosophical, as well as ten thousand times more inspiring, I say, are the metaphysics of Imagination, of scriptures and great poems and the live human heart, than the cut-and-dried sciolisms which explain you a man in five minutes, and make everything in him as obvious as the movements of a jumping-jack.

"And accordingly my marriage," I interrupted, "is not binding?" "I can assure you," he replied, "that you might trade your lawful right in the lady for a twopenny whistle and not lose by the bargain." "And what about my marriage?" says the Marchioness "the marriage which was never to be legalized? 'twas merely that you might sell me afterward, like so much mutton, was it, you jumping-jack !"

Then he did not know me; having, perhaps, never seen Adam in his simplicity, but he twisted his nose around to catch my scent; and the moment he had done so he sprang like a jumping-jack and rushed into his den with the utmost precipitation. The woodchuck is the true serf among our animals; he belongs to the soil, and savors of it. He is of the earth, earthy.

"Horsemanship doesn't count -speed does," replied Rutter tersely. "Hold on tightly, and we'll make as good time as possible. I'm going to start now." Away they went, at a hard gallop, Tom doing his best to hold on, but feeling like a jumping-jack. "It won't take us more than twenty minutes," promised Jack Rutter. All the way to camp Rutter kept the pony at a hard gallop. "Thurston! Mr.

I don't mean to dance. I don't propose to make a jumping-jack of myself for some galoot to give me the laugh, but we'll walk around. Will you? What do you say?" Hilma consented. "I'm not so VERY sorry I missed my dance with that that little clerk," she said guiltily. "I suppose that's very bad of me, isn't it?" Annixter fulminated a vigorous protest.

The last call awoke Nan and Bert, and before long all were scrambling out to see what the stockings might contain. "Oh, I've got a doll!" shrieked Flossie, and brought forth a wonderful affair of paper. "I have a jumping-jack!" came from Freddie, and he began to work the toy up and down in a most comical fashion.

'She's coming again if father doesn't need her. 'There's a whole big dinner-party needing her, so you needn't think she can come twice to say good-night to a Jumping-Jack like you. 'You ought to say a Jumping-Jill, amended Sara. During this interchange Master Cecil was complaining to the visitor 'I can't see you with that thing all round your head.

"No, I will never more laugh, or pull the string of the jumping-jack; but," he added, with sudden animation, as a thought struck him, "Eaglenose will bring the jumping-jack to the camp of Bounding Bull, and put it in the hands of the skipping one, though his scalp should swing for it in the smoke of her father's wigwam."

I wonder if he thinks I buy the best whalebone for him to court with. She'd like 'im better if he'd set still, anyway, and not be cavorting about like a jumping-jack." Noon came, and Henley saw the pair alight from the buggy and walk across to the hotel. Thereupon he betook himself to the house of his friends, and had his own dinner. When it was time to start home he went down to the wagon-yard.