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After a month's stay at Osborne, during one of the warmest Julys ever known in this country, when the condition of the river Thames threatened to drive the Parliament from Westminster, the Queen and the Prince Consort, with the Prince of Wales and their suites, paid a state visit to Cherbourg.

After a while the coat of clean white paint on the Jeffrey Curtain house made a definite compromise with the suns of many Julys and showed its good faith by turning gray. It scaled huge peelings of very brittle old paint leaned over backward like aged men practising grotesque gymnastics and finally dropped to a moldy death in the overgrown grass beneath.

I hear a great many people at Fourth of July celebrations laud the Declaration of Independence who in between Julys shiver at the plain language of our bills of rights.

Fortunately it was a half-holiday, so the children could trim and chatter to their heart's content, and the little girls ran about sticking funny decorations where no one would ever think of looking for them. Ben was absorbed in his flags, which were sprinkled all down the avenue with a lavish display, suggesting several Fourth of Julys rolled into one. Mr.

Hopper drew something out of his pocket, eyed Miss Crane, and bit off a corner. "What office was you going into?" he asked genially. Mr. Brice decided to answer that. "Judge Whipple's unless he has changed his mind." Eliphalet gave him a look more eloquent than words. "Know the Judge?" Silent laughter. "If all the Fourth of Julys we've had was piled into one," said Mr.

"Solve, thou meanest, Sancho," said Don Quixote; "say on, in God's name, and I will answer as well as I can." "Tell me, senor," Sancho went on to say, "those Julys or Augusts, and all those venturous knights that you say are now dead where are they now?"

Hopper drew something out of his pocket, eyed Miss Crane, and bit off a corner. "What office was you going into?" he asked genially. Mr. Brice decided to answer that. "Judge Whipple's unless he has changed his mind." Eliphalet gave him a look more eloquent than words. "Know the Judge?" Silent laughter. "If all the Fourth of Julys we've had was piled into one," said Mr.

Each new summer of the few left must be shorter and swifter than the last: its Junes will be thirty days long, and its Julys and Augusts thirty-one, in compliance with the almanac; but the days will be of so small a compass that fourteen of them will rattle round in a week of the old size like shrivelled peas in a pod.

Such was our old front line at the beginning of the battle, and so the travellers of our race will strive to picture it when they see the ground under the crops of coming Julys. It was never anything but a makeshift, patched together, and held, God knows how, against greater strength.

And then there wuz the Declaration of Independence. Good, likely old document as ever wuz made. I know I hain't felt towards it as I'd ort to time and agin, when I've hearn it read Fourth of Julys by a long-winded orator, in muggy and sultry dog-days in Jonesville.