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And he began to quote: "Si ma fi-fi-fiancée me voyait, Elle m' dirait en me donnant cinq sous: 'Va t' faire raser! mais moi, j' répondrais Que moi j'ai toujours les mêmes deux joues." V. was away for an hour and a half and when he did return it was to announce that he had been unable to phone because the line was blocked under pressure of important operations.

Of course, in such a city as London, to which the best of everything, physical and other, gravitates, I could not but pass, now and then, beautiful persons, who made me proud of those grandes Anglaises aux joues rouges, whom the Parisiennes ridicule- -and envy.

"Bug-bears!" she retorted, "you go on about your business and I'll attend to mine," and she flirted into the house. Rene laughed under his breath, standing a moment as if expecting her to come out again; but she did not, and he resumed his walk singing softly "Elle a les joues vermeilles, vermeilles, Ma belle, ma belle petite." But ten to one he was not thinking of Madamoiselle Adrienne Bourcier.

"Vos doigts tremblent comme la feuille, et vos joues sont rouges: mais, rouges comme des cerises!" "I am hot, Adele, with stooping!" She went on sketching; I went on thinking. I hastened to drive from my mind the hateful notion I had been conceiving respecting Grace Poole; it disgusted me. I compared myself with her, and found we were different.

Do not puff up the Cheeks, Loll not out the tongue rub the Hands, or beard, thrust out the lips, or bite them or keep the lips too open or too close. C'est une vilainie de s'enfler les joües, de tirer la langue, de se manier la barbe, se frotter les mains, d'estendre ses levres ou les mordre, de les tenir trop serrées ou trop entrouuertes.

These are alguazils, whose number is proportioned to the population; two witnesses, or assistants, who are charged with the confirmation of the acts of the deputy-governor for without their presence and sanction his acts would be considered null and void; a jouès de palma, or palm judge, with the functions of rural guard; a vaccinator, bound to be always furnished with vaccine matter, for newborn children; and a schoolmaster, charged with public instruction; finally, a sort of gendarmerie, to watch banditti and the state of the roads within the precincts of the commune and the neighbouring lands.