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Sandoz thought the whole thing very wonderful; Jory and Gagniere discussed the strength of stays and trusses; the former mainly concerned about the monetary loss involved, and the other demonstrating with a chair that the statue might have been kept up.

'All right, since they are bent on it, the "open air" then, the school of the "open air!" Eh! it was a thing strictly between us, it didn't exist yesterday beyond the circle of a few painters. But now they throw the word upon the winds, and they found the school. Oh! I'm agreeable. Let it be the school of the "open air!" Jory slapped his thighs. 'Didn't I tell you?

Fagerolles, however, was already paying for the two chartreuses he had ordered, and at last he went off with Irma, whom Jory also decided to follow. Claude watched them walk away together, she between the two men, moving on in regal fashion, greatly admired, and repeatedly bowed to by people in the crowd. 'One can see very well that Mathilde isn't here, quietly remarked Sandoz.

The men were smoking, and a bluish cloud slowly rose above the straggling tablecloths, stained by wine and littered with dirty plates and dishes. When Fagerolles, on his aide, succeeded in obtaining two glasses of chartreuse for himself and Jory, he began to talk to Sandoz, whom he treated with a certain amount of deference, divining that the novelist might become a power.

And as he finally entered the room, he beheld a vast, swarming, closely packed crowd pressing eagerly in front of his picture. All the laughter arose, spread, and ended there. And it was his picture that was being laughed at. 'Eh! repeated Jory, triumphantly, 'there's a success for you.

But of a sudden Jory stood before them. His fair handsome face absolutely beamed. He cut his way through the crowd, gesticulated, and exulted, as if over a personal victory. And the moment he perceived Claude, he shouted: 'Here you are at last! I have been looking for you this hour. A success, old fellow, oh! a success 'What success? 'Why, the success of your picture. Come, I must show it you.

However, Jory was perfectly serene, his memory was dead, he never allowed himself an allusion to the past, never showed the slightest embarrassment when his comrades' eyes were turned on him. Besides, Mathilde seemed to be a new-comer. He introduced her to them as if they knew nothing whatever about her.

The question of witnesses embarrassed them for a moment. As she was absolutely unacquainted with anybody, he selected Sandoz and Mahoudeau to act for her. For a moment he had thought of replacing the latter by Dubuche, but he never saw the architect now, and he feared to compromise him. He, Claude, would be content with Jory and Gagniere.

We know each other; we sprouted in the same crack between the paving-stones. Look here, whenever I like, I have only to hold up my finger, and your Fagerolles will be there on the floor, licking my feet. She was growing animated, and Jory thought it prudent to beat a retreat. 'My Fagerolles, he muttered; 'my Fagerolles. 'Yes, your Fagerolles. Do you think that I don't see through you both?

Jory, without getting in the least angry, tilted back his chair and sucked his cigar, merely saying with a sneer: 'Oh! if you see Fagerolles now 'Well, what of it? she cried, becoming furious. 'It's no business of yours. I snap my fingers at your Fagerolles, do you hear? He knows very well that people don't quarrel with me.