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"Joggin' back from the 'worry' that evenin', Jack lay tight in Lory's flank till Lory had consented, apparently with great reluctance, to sell him Molly for five hundred dollars. "The very next week, Jack, Raven, and the two whips turned out on white hunters, Jack of course upon Molly and happy over the successful workin' out of his fad.

As I went to sleep the Agnes was still joggin' along at her best gait, and it was comfortin' to know that our wrathy naval friends had been left hopelessly behind. I expect I must have been poundin' my ear real industrious for five or six hours when I hears this distant boom, and comes up in my berth as sudden as if someone had pulled the string.

"Well," said Sundown, "I reckon I got to be joggin'. Thanks for the check." Corliss waved his hand. "I'll step over to the gate with you. Thought perhaps you'd stay and see Billy." "Nope. I ain't feelin' like meetin' folks today. Don' know why. Sky's clear and fine, but inside I feel like it was goin' to rain. When you comin' down to see leetle Bill and Neeter?" "Pretty soon. Is Billy well?"

A tremor of jealous rage thrilled through his frame, and he stiffened visibly. "I reckon I'll be joggin' along home," said he, moving with dignity toward the door. "But you've only just come, Jan," protested Willie. "I didn't come fur nothin' but to leave this hammer," Jan answered, placing the implement on the long bench before which his friend was standing.

You girls must be millionaires' daughters, like the newspapers tell about," said the street girl. "Oh, no, we're not," Nan cried. "Well, you better be joggin' along toward Washington Park. I don't want youse should get robbed while I'm with you. Mebbe the police'd think I done it."

"H-m, h-m," said David with a nod; "diff'rence 'tween joggin' along on the road an' drivin' a fust heat on the track; in one case the' ain't nothin' up, an' ye don't care whether you git there a little more previously or a little less; an' in the other the's the crowd, an' the judges, an' the stake, an' your record, an' mebbe the pool box into the barg'in, that's all got to be considered.

"Oh, I ain't tryin' to be disagreeable, Scraggs, only it sort o' worries me to have to go along without bein' able to use our whistle. We got a reputation for joggin' right along, mindin' our business an' never replyin' to them vessels that whistle us they're goin' to pass to port or starboard, as the case may be.

"You say you was expectin' me," he faltered unsteadily, "but but if there wa'n't anything special you wanted to see me about, I I reckon I better be joggin' along. I just kinda dropped in, late's it was, to tell you there wa'n't no mail, and to say to tell you " He stopped abruptly. He didn't like the looks of Denny Bolton's eyes. They were different than he had ever seen them before.

"I do, Miss;" and Bainton touched his forelock respectfully; "An' while we're joggin' easy downhill with Josey, I'll get it well rubbed into Spruce. And, by yer leave, if you hain't no objection, I'll tell Passon Walden that sich is your orders, and m'appen he'll find a way of impressin' Leach straighter than we can."

Indeed, I am too conscientious to do otherwise, notwithstanding the temptation to make what might be a more artistic ending to my story. David is not only living, but appears almost no older than when we first knew him, and is still just as likely to "git goin'" on occasion. Even "old Jinny" is still with us, though her master does most of his "joggin' 'round" behind a younger horse. Whatever Mr.