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Frequently the tug would hit a large stretch of clear water, and at such times the jingle-bell would sound in the engine-room and the Quinn would shoot forward at a rate that fairly lifted the rowboat out of the water, while Dan, kneeling astern, oar in hand, muscles tense, and mind alert, was ready to do anything that lay in his skill to prevent an untoward accident. Swish!

Hello, inside! Turn on your steam, and set your whirligig to moving." By this time the good-nature of the audience was fully restored, and, amid encouraging cries of "That's the talk!" "Ring the jingle-bell and give her a full head!" "Sweep her out into the current and toot your horn, stranger!" the panorama began slowly to unroll.

"Slow her down, Wales," said Scott, after he had observed the situation of the saurian. The wheelman rang the jingle-bell, and the boat soon came down to half-speed. The five hunters, including Achang, had their rifles ready for use, though they still retained their seats.

He tossed his greatcoat to the snowy bed, walking between the bed-end and the mantel, round to the crouched figure of his wife. "There, there, Sadie!" he said in his throat, and, stooping over her: "I give in! I give in!" Her head flew up. "Herm!" "My son!" "No, no, ma, it's no use trying to put anything but a jingle-bell harness on poor little Jingle Bells.

This they hurried to the stern bitts, taking a pass also around the steam winch. Leaving the fireman to watch it, Dan dashed into the pilot-house and sounded the jingle-bell in the engine-room. For a few minutes the churnings of the screw were discounted by the bulk of the yacht plus the elemental forces which sought to keep her head just where it was in the trough of the sea.

The cracked jingle-bell over my stone gateway had jingled incessantly since early morning, summoning this good little Norman maid-of-all-work to slip her trim feet into her sabots and rush across the court to open the small door piercing my wall beside the big gates.