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Maybe it's the name of a boat seems to me I've heard some such name before, but I don't just recollect where." "A boat! Well, that's a straw anyway, and worth looking up." Mac picked up the telephone. "Who is on at the Harbour Master's office this time of night?" "Winchell, usually, and he'll have a record there." The detective jiggled the receiver impatiently.

And then, while their mother put the clothes to soak, the children played with the Calico Clown. They were good and gentle children, and the gay toy did not in the least mind clanging his cymbals for them or doing his funny dance. He jiggled and joggled his arms and legs, and went through such funny antics that Jim and Liza Ann laughed again and again.

The way Phil see-sawed that piece of pie back and forth over the river was a sin and shame. He could have slacked off his mainsail and headed dead for the buoy, but no, he jiggled around like an old woman crossing the road ahead of a funeral. Cap'n Jonadab was on edge. Racing was where he lived, as you might say, and he fidgeted like he was setting on a pin-cushion.

"Are you all right, Trouble? Can you stand up?" for he feared, after all, lest Baby William's legs might have been hurt, since they were doubled up under him. Trouble showed he was all right by getting up and walking about. He had stopped crying, and Ted and Jan could see that he, too, had fallen on a pile of soft leaves near the swing, so he was only "jiggled up," as Jan called it.

Daddy and Mother talked softly together a moment, and then Mother hurried away to come back with something that made Jim's eyes sparkle and open wide. For she had a little toy engine, which could be wound up with a key and sent whizzing along. And there was a fine Jumping Jack, which jiggled almost as nicely as did the Calico Clown.

It took only a minute to get down the ladder into Shadow’s stall where a broom tail jiggled up and down above absurdly long baby legs and small rounded haunches. Shadow’s small daughter breakfasted. Callie squatted on his heels near-by watching the process benignly. "Ain’t she ’bout th’ best-favored filly you ever saw?" he asked. "How come all your hosses is grays? Shiloh her pa?"

He knew better than to try the telegraph instrument. He grabbed the telephone receiver and jiggled the hook up and down on the standard while the Hercules 0001 roared past the station. It did not need Tom's frantically waving cap to warn him what had happened. And he remembered clearly the fact of the expected westbound flyer. "Hammon? Get me? This is Half Way.

"Oh, ain't he jest grand!" cried Jim, his eyes shining with delight. "He suah is a gay fellow all right," said Mandy. Liza Ann reached up and pulled one of the Clown's strings. Quickly his legs jiggled and he cut some funny capers. "Oh, my! Dat suah is scrumptious!" laughed the little colored girl. "Oh, Mammy, jest let us play with him a little while!" begged Jim.

I wish now I had sat down before I got up. I was the last man out of the church and I hurried. But they beat me out all nine of them. When I went out the door, the old sexton said as he jiggled the key in the door to hurry me, "Don't feel bad, bub, I've heerd worse than that. You're all right, bub, but you don't know nothin' yet." I cried all the way to town.

Burrus. "It was because he didn't see things as he should, didn't do things as he should in a general way that he wasn't fit for the job, Mr. Burrus?" Joe went on. "Exactly." "And if he had had been of a piece with yourself so that you could have jiggled him around in your fingers like a hunk of putty, it would have been all right.