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The very last remark which I heard from German lips as we entered the train to leave Erlangen on July 31st was: "Jetzt werden die Russen abgeklöpft." Martial law had been proclaimed some time previous to that. But the proclamation in Berlin occurred at 3.30 p.m. on the same day.

And the splashing water drenches Their dirty brats and wenches; And they crawl from bales and benches, In a hundred thousand stenches. Wie ist der Sturm jetzt brausend!" And looked at Captain Lewis, Who calmly stood and blew his Cigar in all the bustle, And scorned the tempest's tussle.

Young Roscius with the Tartar eyes stared at her. She threw away the smoking cylinder. "I'm off!" "Why " "Has not the curtain descended?" enigmatically. "I don't see any curtain," said the Frenchman. "No? But it's there." At the gate, however, once more she paused to listen, to laugh. "Was jetzt?" asked the mystified Berliner. She only shrugged.

It is related that, after his lecture on the telephone at Geissen, in 1854, Professor Poggendorff, who was present, invited him to send a description of his instrument to the ANNALEN. Reis answered him,'Ich danke Ihnen recht Sehr, Herr Professor; es ist zu spaty. Jetzt will ICH nicht ihn schickeny. I shall not send it now.

"Latein, ich vor geschrieben hab Das war ein jeden nicht bekannt; Jetzt schrei ich an das Vaterland, Teutsch Nation in ihrer Sprach Zu bringen diesen Dingen Rach."

A party of interned German officers in the Engadine were eagerly awaiting the news of the Allied reply to the German offer. When it arrived they could not conceal their amazement and chagrin; some of them even burst into tears, and one remarked jetzt ist alles verloren.

Ach Gott, ach Gott, ach Gott." He buried his face in his pillow and sobbed hysterically. I explained to him that it had been necessary to remove his arm, but that he would live and be well treated and see no more fighting. He turned round and stared at me and then shouted jubilantly: "Jetzt weiss ich's Now I know thank God, I shall live, live, live. O du lieber Himmel, das Glúck ist zu gross."

The entire poem consists of 23 verses of four lines each, and is divided by the translator into three distinct sections; the first is devoted to the praise of herbs in general, their power to cure the sick man before them, and at the same time to bring riches to the Healer the opening verses run: "Die Krauter alt, entsprossen einst Drei Alter vor den Gottern noch, Die braunen will Ich preisen jetzt!

"He invented that signal himself; he's the only man in the village who carries a handkerchief. Und jetzt geht's los!" And forthwith it went 'los'; the farce quickened to drama.

It appeared that my presence was the ground for a heavy German joke in connection with the youngest of the aborigines. He was a very plump and greasy looking aborigine with a doll-like rosiness of cheek and a scared and bristling pompadour and very small pig-eyes. The other aborigines clapped him on the back and roared: "Ai Fritz! Jetzt brauchst du nicht zu weinen!