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He forgot that it was only last night he had come, and with a cry he swept the Willow to his breast, and the Willow's arms tightened round his neck as she moaned: "Ookimow Jeem it is the man-beast in there! It is the man-beast from Lac Bain and Baree " Truth flashed upon Carvel, and he caught Nepeese up in his arms and ran away with her from the sounds that had grown sickening and horrible.

He had wrapped her in his blankets, and now he knelt down beside her and put his arms about her. "He is dead, Nepeese." "Dead, Ookimow Jeem?" "Yes. Baree killed him." She did not seem to breathe. Gently, with his lips in her hair. Carvel whispered his plans for their paradise. "No one will know, my sweetheart. Tonight I will bury him and burn the tepee.

Howard tapped the sagging holster at his hip. 'For Jim Courtot I carry this. he returned quietly. 'He wants to kill me. 'Then, said Kish Taka, and through the veils in his eyes fire flashed and was gone, 'him better be quick! Me, Kish Taka, I kill Jeem Cour' damn quick pretty soon.

Tomorrow we will start for Nelson House, where there is a missioner. And after that we will come back and I will build a new cabin where the old one burned. "OM' yes Ookimow Jeem I love you " Suddenly there came an interruption. Baree at last was giving his cry of triumph.

Plenty beeg fight on ahead, too, maybe-so. You'll bust h'up the trade, Jeem. My Sioux, she's scare to come h'on the post h'an' trade. He'll stay h'on the veelage, her." "Every dog to his own yard. Is that all the news?" "Five thousand Mormons, he'll gone by h'aready. H'womans pullin' the han'cart, sacre Enfant! News you'll h'ought to know the news. You'll been h'on the settlement six mont'!"

And he heard the whisper, soft and trembling. "Ooo-oo, OOKIMOW JEEM " When Carvel returned to the fire, alone, his Colt in his hand, Baree was in front of the tepee waiting for him. Carvel picked up a burning brand and entered the wigwam. When he came out his face was white. He tossed the brand in the fire, and went back to Nepeese.

All residents here knew Jim Bridger. He sought out the man in charge. "How, Bordeaux?" he began. "Whar's the bourgeois, Papin?" "Down river h'east h'after goods." The trader, hands on his little counter, nodded to his shelves. "Nada!" he said in his polyglot speech. "Hi'll not got a damned thing lef'. How many loads you'll got for your h'own post, Jeem?" "Eight wagons. Iron, flour and bacon."

Thus I thought that I might in time conquer the sheep, fighting the devil with fire; but the coyotes lay in wait constantly to snatch the kids, and once when the river was high the borregueros of Jeem Swopa stole my buck to lead their sheep across.

By the time that the first hint of coming coolness crept into the air Howard sat up, somewhat refreshed and again eager to be moving. He turned to the Indian with a question on his lips, for a thought had come to him. 'Do you know Jim Courtot? he asked sharply. Kish Taka's eyes were veiled. 'What man, Jeem Cour'? he demanded expressionlessly. Then, with the naïveté of a child: 'Him your frien'?

Nepeese was in the open, crying the name she had given him "OOKIMOW JEEM OOKIMOW JEEM OOKIMOW JEEM " She was standing there white and slim, her eyes with the blaze of the stars in them, and when she saw Carvel she flung out her arms to him, still crying: "Ookimow Jeem Oo-oo, Ookimow Jeem " In the tepee he heard the rage of a beast, the moaning cries of a man.