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We do so want to get the house we are building finished so that we can have tea in it on Lady Myrtle's birthday. 'Yes, Mrs Mildmay interposed quickly, 'that will do very well, and to-morrow perhaps Jassie may drive with you, Lady Myrtle, and then I will invite myself to spend the afternoon with you two, shall I?

'Dear little Frances, was almost her last waking thought, 'I feel as if I already understood her perfectly. And oh, I do hope I shall be wise and judicious with my Jassie too.

And then I have one or two excellent portraits, besides the large one at Stannesley; at least my father always told me they were excellent. And even when Jassie was quite tiny, he saw the likeness and was delighted at it. But I I am quite "Denison" I know, and so are Francie and Eugene. The odd thing is that Jassie is also in some ways more like the Mildmays than the two others.

'Do you quite understand that it was a choice between this appointment and an indefinite return to India? said Colonel Mildmay. 'I understand that you think so. But I don't see it. There was the London thing. And even if not, I would rather have had India. 'No, no, Jassie, don't do yourself injustice, exclaimed her mother. 'Not when you think of the risk to your father's health.

But as Jacinth went on speaking, her mother realised that she had done wisely. 'Dear Jassie, she said quietly, 'at that time I did think it better not to tell you that I had interfered. I wanted to avoid all possibilities of irritation till you got to know me better. And I did see that you were prejudiced to some extent.

But Eugene did not seem at all snubbed. 'À propos of Miss Alison Mildmay, said Lady Myrtle, 'she is coming to see you to-day, is she not? She must be anxious to hear all about her brother. 'Yes, said Mrs Mildmay, 'she will be coming quite early. Jassie told us you are often busy in the morning, so I thought that would be the best time for me to be with her.

'If there weren't so many public-houses, there wouldn't be so much temptation; and the little reformer nodded her head sagely. Just then Mrs Mildmay re-entered the room. 'Jassie dear, she said, 'it's Saturday morning. You have no lessons, and though it's so rainy I know you're not afraid of the weather. Frances has a cold, so she mustn't come out.

'Jassie, she said quietly, 'you do not mean it, but your tone sounds almost like a threat to me to your mother? And in spite of herself, her voice trembled a little. But still Jacinth repeated coldly, 'I think I have a right to know. At that moment the door opened, and to Mrs Mildmay's immense relief her husband entered. 'What is the matter? he asked quickly. 'Am I interrupting you?

It was a much shorter one than Jacinth's, and she had scarcely glanced at the first few lines when she sprang from her seat with a sort of shriek. 'They're coming home, Jass! that's the secret. Oh Jass, Jass, listen: "As I may hope to see you before long, my darling, I won't attempt to write very much." That's it. Oh Jassie, sweet, they're coming home!

'Whatever she says about the matter at all must only be very slight and vague, said Mrs Mildmay. 'And, Jassie dear, you do feel kindly to them now? 'I want to feel whatever's right, Jacinth replied, and her tone was wonderfully humble. 'Then there is no need to enter into any explanations, said Mrs Mildmay.