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"As your father says, Miss," he went on, turning to Grace, "I was with him when the survey was made, and stone piles put up and the trees blazed to mark the line. That valuable strip was on his side. Then some time passed, and that cunning fox, Jallow, came to me, and he represented that he had been wrongly dealt with. He said Mr.

"A friend of ours!" exclaimed Allen. "Is it Mr. Jallow, masquerading under that name, and trying to get possession of this land as well as the other valuable strip?" "No, it isn't Jallow," replied Mr. Franklin. "I know him. This is a young fellow you've been expecting, he says. He come up in a hired rig from the village. Blackstone Blackrock some such name as that he give." "Oh, Mr.

"I'm here to take charge of this land until the matter is officially settled. In the meanwhile no more trees must be cut. That is a court order, and here is a copy of it. I serve it on you, and violation of it means contempt, with heavy penalties." "The jig is up, Jim!" cried Paddy. "I told you I'd get even with you!" Mr. Jallow said not another word. He was beaten at every point, and he knew it.

"Well, be you goin' t' git?" he finally asked. "I tell you this is private land, and Mr. Jallow don't allow nobody on it 'ceptin' them he hires." This gave Mollie an opening. "Oh, is this Mr. Jallow's land?" she asked, and her chums wondered at the sweetness of her tones. "It be," the burly guard replied, "an' you'd better git off."

Allen ground his teeth and once more submitted to the effusive attentions of Alice Jallow. If Betty could have seen him then she would have been moved to pity. "Is it very far to the camp?" Mollie asked, after they had been walking some time. "I'm anxious to get there." "Not very far, now," Roy assured her. "It's just on the outskirts of the town. Just wait till you get there.

But he preferred not to, since he had not really lost any of the valuable timber. "Besides, there is no use making Alice feel any worse than she does," said Grace. The Jallow camp had been broken up, since it was on Mr. Ford's land, and Alice, her mother and guests had gone back to Deepdale. Our friends held undisputed sway in the woods. Christmas was approaching.

"But before that I had seen all I wanted to that was the changed boundary lines. Then I knew Jallow's game. He wanted to throw that valuable timber strip into his own land. I made some inquiries, and found that Mr. Ford still owned the lumber camp, and hadn't sold out, as Jallow told me.

"Now everybody keep quiet and listen," said Grace, when she had related how she and her chums had come to the winter camp, and how Mr. Jallow and his company had encroached on land that Mr. Ford believed was his own. "And it is his!" exclaimed Paddy. "The boundary lines have been changed. I can see that myself. It's that Jallow's work. Listen and I'll tell you how it happened.

Well, you haven't any more right here than any one else. Get off. This is my land the courts have awarded it to me." "Under a misapprehension yes. Because of false boundary lines yes, Jim Jallow!" "Who says the boundary lines are false?" "I do!" cried Paddy Malone, standing up in the sled, and leaning on his crutch. "I say the lines were changed, Jim Jallow, and you know it!

Jallow did not bring her charges toward the place where our boys and girls held forth. There was little for Ted Franklin, Mr. Ford's man, to do, save to keep a watch over the camp, visiting the distant points on different days. In his trips he was often accompanied by some of the young people, who much enjoyed his company, for Mr.