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The New York "Journal of Commerce" gave on February 6, 1917, the following figures: 154 vessels of 336,997 tons. Of these 87, of 229,366 tons, belonged to Great Britain and her allies, and 67, of 107,631 tons, to neutrals. No American boats were included. On January 1, 1917, a German submarine sank the British transport Ivernia in the Mediterranean while carrying troops.

The Duchess presented him to Princess Wilhelmina and the others. In the soft and rich voice of the Englishwoman of culture and refinement, which always charmed him, she said: "Mr. Edestone, my daughter tells me that you came over on the Ivernia with us." "No, no, mamma!" interrupted the Princess, with a frown and nervous little laugh. "I said that Mrs. Brown said that she thought that Mr.

"Has Will never told you that I suggested we try it before having Dorrie submit to an operation?" he added, after a moment of thought. "No, he has never mentioned the subject to me." "Well, I did," and then the young man proceeded to relate the incident that had occurred on the Ivernia during his return passage and his subsequent conversation with his brother-in-law.

I intend to amuse myself on the Ivernia during the crossing constructing a new smaller and more compact instrument, combining with it one of the receivers which you have attuned to your wireless. See that these as well as the following," handing "Specs" a list of electrical supplies, "are put in Black's steamer trunk. And now, let's have a look at those films."

It was not until the Ivernia was within five hundred miles of Southampton that the wireless messages from paper after paper and agency after agency, offering huge prices for a short return message as to our actual results, showed us how strained was the attention not only of the scientific world but of the general public.

A delicate pink instantly suffused the girl's face, and there was a peculiar thrill in her voice as she exclaimed, in great surprise: "Why! that is Dr. Stanley! Mamma and I became acquainted with him on board the Ivernia when we returned from abroad, two months ago." "So you already know Phillip Harris Stanley!" Miss Reynolds observed, and surprised in turn. "He is Mrs.

Dec. 27 Russians defeated in five-day battle in eastern Wallachia, Roumauia. January 1 Submarine sinks British transport Ivernia. Jan. 9 Russian premier, Trepoff, resigns. Golitzin succeeds him. Jan. 31 Germany announces unrestricted submarine warfare.

"And so that pretty young girl who crossed with me on the Ivernia is in the mire too," thought Edestone; for it seemed to him that the King's order of exile against the Duchess and herself could mean nothing else. Yet somehow his feeling of disdain and aversion for the traitor did not extend to the feminine members of the family. For them he had only sorrow and sympathy.

I recall a fluent reading from Horace, which I inadvertently interrupted on the Ivernia, last fall, and which must have required earnest application; and I also remember that that same student could not be tempted from her task until the lesson was done," the gentleman rejoined, jocosely. Then turning to Dorothy, he inquired: "And how does my small niece find herself this afternoon?"

Minturn had used, during some of their discussions on board the Ivernia. Dorothy shot a roguish glance up at him. "I guess you don't know your Bible very well, do you, Uncle Phillip?" she said, laughing.