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Ismay was beside himself," said this woman passenger, "and on most of the voyage after we had picked him up he was being quieted with opiates on orders of the ship's doctor. "Five women saved their pet dogs, carrying them in their arms. Another woman saved a little pig, which she said was her mascot.

Miss Ismay has brought something pleasantly characteristic of the Old Country along with her." His hostess disregarded the last remark. "Then if you didn't expect to sell us anything, what did you come for?" "For supper," answered Sproatly cheerfully. "Besides that, to take Miss Rawlinson out for a drive. I told her last night it would afford me considerable pleasure to show her the prairie.

I never was fond of cats, although I admit they are well enough in their place, and I can worry along comfortably with a nice, matronly old tabby who can take care of herself and be of some use in the world. As for Ismay, she hates cats and always did. But Aunt Cynthia, who adored them, never could bring herself to understand that any one could possibly dislike them.

Ismay had urged him before sailing to make a record, again an assumption, they cannot be held directly responsible for the collision: he was in charge of the lives of everyone on board and no one but he was supposed to estimate the risk of travelling at the speed he did, when ice was reported ahead of him. His action cannot be justified on the ground of prudent seamanship.

The fur of the coat seemed not to get wet through, and retained a certain amount of air that added to buoyance. I shall never part with it. "The testimony of J. Bruce Ismay, managing director of the White Star Line, that he had not heard explosions before the Titanic settled, indicates that he must have gotten some distance from her in his life-boat.

It was a relief to both when dinner was announced. Wyllard sat next to his hostess, and was not sorry that he was called upon to take part only in casual general conversation. He thought once or twice that Miss Ismay was unobtrusively studying him. It was nearly an hour after the dinner when Mrs. Radcliffe left them alone in the drawing-room.

Millionaire and pauper, titled grandee and weeping immigrant, Ismay, the head of the White Star Company, and Jack Jones from the stoke hole were surrounded instantly. Some would gladly have escaped observation. Every man among the survivors acted as though it were first necessary to explain how he came to be in a life-boat. Some of the stories smacked of Munchausen.

She had wired us to send Fatima to Halifax by express immediately. For the first time Max did not seem ready to rush into the breach with a suggestion. It was I who spoke first. "Max," I said, imploringly, "you'll see us through this, won't you? Neither Ismay nor I can rush off to Halifax at once. You must go to-morrow morning.

Radcliffe urged him to dine with them on the following evening he hesitated. "The one difficulty is that I don't know yet whether I shall be engaged then," he said. "As it happens, I've a message for Miss Ismay, and I wrote offering to call upon her at any convenient hour. So far, I have heard nothing from her." "She's away," Mrs. Radcliffe informed him.

Wyllard excused himself, but when the lady urged him at least to dine with them on the following evening he appeared to consider. "The one difficulty is that I don't know yet whether I shall be engaged then," he explained. "As it happens, I've a message for Miss Ismay, and I wrote offering to call upon her at any convenient hour. So far I have heard nothing from her." "She's away," Mrs.