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To this it adds the other materials required from the neighbouring bushes, and when laden flies off to its nest. To the south my rambles never extended further than the banks of the Irura, a stream which rises amongst the hills already spoken of, and running through a broad valley, wooded along the margins of the watercourses, falls into the Tapajos, at the head of the bay of Mapiri.

I visited the banks of the Irura and the rich woods accompanying it, and two other streams in the same neighbourhood, one called the Panema, and the other the Urumari, once or twice a week during the whole time of my residence in Santarem, and made large collections of their natural productions.

Situation of Santarem Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants Climate Grassy Campos and Woods Excursions to Mapiri, Mahica, and Irura, with Sketches of their Natural History Palms, Wild Fruit Trees, Mining Wasps, Mason Wasps, Bees, and Sloths I have already given a short account of the size, situation, and general appearance of Santarem.

One of them, the Pico do Irura, forms a nearly perfect cone, rising from a small grassy plain to a height of 500 or 600 feet, and its ascent is excessively fatiguing after the long walk from Santarem over the campos. I tried it one day, but did not reach the summit.

They contain plenty of oil of similar fragrance to that of the ordinary cacao-nut, and make up very well into paste; but the beverage has a repulsive clayey colour and an inferior flavour. My excursions to the Irura had always a picnic character.