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He is only one, though the principal one, of all the explorers of the buried records of the empires of the Tigris and Euphrates. And Babylonia and Assyria are not the only countries that history required us to explore. Greece and its neighboring states and islands have not even yet been fairly investigated. Much of Asia Minor is still a virgin field.

The meddlesome officials, actuated, as I always hold, by jealousy, found the name of the seller upon it. They investigated. The seller testified that it had never been in the possession of Mr. Kipson, as far as he knew. It was sold to a man whose description tallied with that of a criminal long watched by the police. He was arrested, and turned Queen's evidence in the hope of hanging his pal.

Months ago we had investigated a curious case in which jewels had been concealed in a wooden leg. The solution had brought us a considerable reward, and upon receiving the money Quarles had declared he would investigate no more crimes.

WANTED. Any amount of SHARES OF SECOND-COMING STOCK, bearing date A.D. 70, or thereabouts, will find a ready market and command a high premium at this office. SOLDIERS who claim to have "fought the fight of faith" will find it for their advantage to have their claims investigated.

I've investigated their arguments, and they will not hold water, I tell you. I'll knock out the contentions of your unknown knight like tenpins in a bowling-alley. See if I don't." "He's nobody's fool, dad." "Quite so. He knows why young turkeys are hard to raise in the fall?" She bent upon him a radiant smile of the utmost good humor. "Score one for the unknown knight," she bantered.

He wrote several works on philosophy, including Method of the Divine Government , Intuitions of the Mind inductively investigated , Laws of Discursive Thought , Scottish Philosophy , and Psychology . Biographer and ecclesiastical historian, b. at Duns, and ed. at the Univ. of Edin., became the leading minister of one of the Dissenting churches of Scotland.

Why, one morning I rode into Jonesville in time to see four Greasers walkin' down the main street with feed-sacks over their shoulders. Each one of those gunnie's had something long and flat and heavy in it, and I growed curious. When I investigated, what d'you suppose I found? Tombstones! That's right; four marble beauties fresh from the cemetery.

Subsequently a Court of Inquiry investigated the accusations and made a decision which did not completely satisfy either side. Despite these minor mistakes, however, the war increased the strength of the administration. The most lasting effects of the conflict on constitutional and political history demand detailed discussion at a later point, but the immediate results can be briefly stated.

In every case of the animals of North America showing fight to man, which has been investigated by me, the beasts have had no opportunity to escape, or have had their young to defend, or have been wounded by the hunter. It was nearly ten o'clock A. M. on Friday, March 26th, when our merry party left Old Town hammock.

If I did I could determine what action to take. But one thing I do know there was murder committed in this house." "Murder!" her face went white, her fingers clasping my sleeve, "Who was killed? Coombs? That woman?" "Neither. A man I never saw before. I heard the same shot which frightened you; took my lamp and investigated. I found him lying dead on the floor of the rear room.