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"Nature makes no leaps," and as the physicist nears the confines of his kingdom he finds himself bewildered by touches and gleams from another realm which interpenetrates his own.

Then, by degrees, he raised his aching head and inhaled the softly scented air, as it was wafted in gentle gusts to his uplifted face. Crossing his arms on his chest, as if to control this new sensation of delight, he drank in delicious draughts of that mysterious air which interpenetrates at night the loftiest forests.

The authors of The Ancient Mariner and Simon Lee are justified in claiming a common object. It is to prove that the metaphysical in Shakespeare's sense of the word interpenetrates the physical, and serves to make us see and feel it. Poetry, if it is to be good for anything, must help us to live.

What is real and unchanging is the one spirit which interpenetrates and upholds the world with "love and beauty and delight," and this spirit the vision which Alastor pursued in vain, the "Unseen Power" of the 'Ode to Intellectual Beauty' is what is always suggested by his poetry at its highest moments.

While he functions in the physical body, viz., physical, emotional and mental worlds. Just as the Astral interpenetrates the physical the mental interpenetrates the Astral. The Astral body in which man functions during sleep is the body of emotions and desires and he expresses these desires and emotions in the physical life.

It is from the abstract truth which interpenetrates them, and lies latent among them like gold in the ore, that the mass derives its whole value: and the precious particles are generally combined with the baser in such a manner that the separation is a task of the utmost difficulty. Here Thucydides is deficient: the deficiency, indeed, is not discreditable to him.

Can the realist and the idealist blend together, and hold together till death and beyond death? If not, can there be true love between them? By true love, I mean the love which interpenetrates the soul, and once given can never die. Oh, Eulalie, answer me, answer! P. S. I have now fully made up my mind to renounce all thought of the stage.

Each may be considered a miniature earth, with its aerial envelope, the air, penetrating all parts of it. The etheric plane of matter not only unites with this prakritic plane through the atom but it interpenetrates all combinations of it; beside the atom as well as through the atom. The grain of sand composed of many prakritic atoms is also composed of many times that number of etheric atoms.

And as He includes us within Himself, as in God "we live and move and have our being," so also He interpenetrates us with His indwelling Presence as the life of our life. To this point we shall presently return, for it is the keynote of all modern advance in theological knowledge, so far as that is not concerned with questions of literature, history, archaeology, and textual criticism.

On other lines of evolution there have travelled other tendencies which life implied" the reference is more especially to powers of instinct as distinguished from those of intelligence "and of which, since everything interpenetrates, man has doubtless kept something, but of which he has kept only a little."