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Quin imo vates intelligitur potius ac monitor auctu semper religiosus verius quam sævus. Raphael has said that modern Rome was almost entirely built with the ruins of the ancient city, and it is certain that we cannot take a step here without being struck by some relics of antiquity.

I gather, Sir, from my friend's letter, that this is the substance of your business with me, caput negotii; although, like Timanthes, the painter, he leaves more to be understood than is described, 'intelligitur plus quam pingitur, as Pliny has it." "Sir," said Walter, drawing his chair close to Mr.

I gather, Sir, from my friend's letter, that this is the substance of your business with me, caput negotii; although, like Timanthes, the painter, he leaves more to be understood than is described, 'intelligitur plus quam pingitur, as Pliny has it." "Sir," said Walter, drawing his chair close to Mr.

I see a great many other occasions of sorrow, that should they happen to me I should hardly feel; and have despised some, when they have befallen me, to which the world has given so terrible a figure that I should blush to boast of my constancy: "Ex quo intelligitur, non in natura, sed in opinione, esse aegritudinem." Cicero, Tusc. Opinion is a powerful party, bold, and without measure.

In quibus locis sermonis proprietas colligi potest tum ex aequiparatione, nam cum dicitur: sex diebus operabis, propriissimè intelligitur: tum quia non est verisimile, potuisse populum intelligere verba illa in alio sensu, et è contrario incredibile est, Deum in suis praeceptis tradendis illis verbis ad populum fuisse loquutum, quibus deciperetur, falsum sensum concipiendo, si Deus non per sex veros dies opera sua fecisset."

The most consistent proceeding of the dogmatic materialist is to fall back into the common rank of soul-and- bodyists; to affect the mysterious, and declare the whole process a revelation given, and not to be understood, which it would be profane to examine too closely. Datur non intelligitur.

In quibus locis sermonis proprietas colligi potest tum ex aequiparatione, nam cum dicitur: sex diebus operabis, propriissime intelligitur: tum quia non est verisimile, potuisse populum intelligere verba illa in alio sensu, et e contrario incredibile est, Deum in suis praeceptis tradendis illis verbis ad populum fuisse loquutum, quibus deciperetur, falsum sensum concipiendo, si Deus non per sex veros dies opera sua fecisset."