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So the Innuits, that cheerful and resourceful little race of the North who wrest their living from so reluctant an environment, were putting forth all their energies in a "preparedness" from whose example many a civilized community might well have profited.

"He cannot travel alone," said Nuna, "and we will not help him to go." "We are not the only Innuits in all the land. Others will help him if we refuse." This was so obvious that the woman could not reply, but gazed for some time in perplexity at the lamp-smoke.

"I've got a boy of my own," he jerked out presently, with the air of a man who accounts confidentially for some weakness. "Really!" returned the priest; "they didn't tell me." "I haven't told them yet." "Oh, all right." "Why is he called that heathen name?" "Kaviak? Oh, it's the name of his tribe. His people belong to that branch of the Innuits known as Kaviaks." "Humph!

The Innuits of the South catch nearly the whole of it on its journey north, and they keep it." "Greedy fellows!" said Rooney.

The Innuits, children of the Northland, call it "the spirits of the dead at play." But it seemed to us a shining symbol of the joy in the City of the King that another young soldier had won his way home. The Roman Catholic Church is undoubtedly correct in stating that the first seven years of his life makes the child.

"We do not know what you intend," answered they, "but you are our friends, and friends are not afraid of each other." "We are good Karalits," was the universal rejoinder, "and now we see you are not Kablunat, but Innuits, and our friends; for you come to see us without weapons, we will do you no harm."

But, gentlemen, I submit that these hitherto unrecognised Natives are our real hosts, and a word about them won't be out of place. I've been told to-day that, whether in Alaska, Greenland, or British America, they call themselves Innuits, which means human beings. They believed, no doubt, that they were the only ones in the world. I've been thinking a great deal about these Esquimaux of late "

He was never known afterwards to refer to the incident; but on the whole it had an excellent effect on the Innuits; and they realized, so far as their unimpressionable natures are capable of doing, the strong domestic affection for his wife which was one of their chief's pre-eminent sources of greatness. This year the hunt was doubly important to them, and they delayed longer than was their wont.

"To have placed it on the floor or on the platform behind the fire-lamp, among the walrus, musk-ox, and polar-bear meat which occupy a goodly portion of both of these places, would have horrified the whole town, as, according to the actual belief of the Innuits, not another walrus could be secured this year, and there would ever be trouble in catching any more."

Going backward into mouth tradition, there appears the figure of one Skolkz, a Toyaat Indian of the Yukon, who journeyed down in his youth to the Great Delta where dwell the Innuits, and where he foregathered with a woman remembered as Olillie. Now the woman Olillie had been bred from an Eskimo mother by an Innuit man.