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"Well now, I do think," remarked Hockins, when the door had closed behind them, "that Rav Rave-what's-his-name might have took notice of me too as an old friend that helped to do him service." "Hm! he seemed to forgit me altogidder," remarked the negro, pathetically. "Dere's nuffin so bad as ingratitood 'cept lockjaw: das a little wuss." "What d'ee mean by lockjaw bein' wuss?" demanded Hockins.

But when I sees a real young gent a despisin' of the oppertoonities as a bountiful Providence and a excellent par has 'eaped on his 'ed, it it makes me sick, it inspires Clegg with a pity and a contemp' for such ingratitood, which he cares not for to 'ide from public voo!" Clegg delivered this harangue with much gesture and in a loud tone, which greatly edified the porters and disgusted Mr.

"W'y, don't you see? Ingratitood don't feel `thankee, w'ereas lockjaw not on'y don't feel but don't even say `thankee." A sudden tumult outside the prison here interrupted them. Evidently a crowd approached. In a few minutes it halted before the door, which was flung open, and four prisoners were thrust in, followed by several strong guards and the execrations of the crowd.

Oh, ingratitood, thou art the Guv!" So saying, the Old Un clapped on his hat and creaked indignantly away. "Crumbs!" exclaimed Joe, "what a bloodthirsty old cove he is, with his gallers-trees! This means jam, this does." "Jam?" repeated Ravenslee wonderingly. "Sir, whenever the Old Un's put out, 'e flies to jam same as some chaps do to drink; makes a fair old beast of hisself, he do.

They complained to th' old man, too, which was worse; for when we got t' th' next port my leave ashore was stopped, an' all for tryin' to please 'em. Rank ingratitood, I call it.

"Too much! Sure, damn it, wot's the good er bein' alive if we can't help each other sometimes. I don't mind how much I help a person if they have a little gratitood, but, damn it, I can't abear ingratitood." "Good-bye, Mr M'Swat, and thank you." "Good-bye, me gu-r-r-r-l, and never marry that bloke of yours if he don't git a bit er prawperty, for the divil's in a poor match." Back at Possum Gully