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The only word we can say with certainty is that Nature is infinite and tends to infinite expression. Verum ego me satis clare ostendisse puto, a summa Dei potentia sive infinita natura infinita infinitis modis, hoc est, omnia necessario effluxisse, vel semper eadem necessitate sequi; eodem modo, ac ex natura trianguli ab aeterno et in aeternum sequitur ejus tres angulos aequari duobus rectis.

Moreover, Philo's definition of the Supreme Being would not be inconsistent with that "substantia constans infinitis attributis, quorum unumquodque aeternam et infinitam essentiam exprimit," given by another great Israelite, were it not that Spinoza's doctrine of the immanence of the Deity in the world puts him, at any rate formally, at the antipodes of theological speculation.

'Deus, according to Spinoza's definition, 'est ens constans infinitis attributis quorum unumquodque æternam et infinitam essentiam exprimit. Under each of these attributes infinita sequuntur, and everything which an infinite intelligence can conceive, and an infinite power can produce, everything which follows as a possibility out of the divine nature, all things which have been, and are, and will be, find expression and actual existence, not under one attribute only, but under each and every attribute.

Nobilior ciuitas huius Regni seu Prouinciae dicitur Iamchan, abundans mercimonijs, et diuitijs infinitis, et multa praestans proprio Regi tributa, quoniam sicut illi de ciuitate fatentur, valet annue regi quinquaginta milia cuman florenorum auri. Nota. In Iamchan ciuitate est conuentus fratrum minorum: in hac sunt tres Ecclesiae Monasteriorum: reditus simul ascendit ad 12. cuman.