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* "La Verite sur l'Expedition du Mexique, d'apres les Documents Inedits d'Ernest Louet," etc. Edited by Paul Gaulot. On February 18, 1863, after wasting four precious months, at an enormous cost of money and prestige, General Forey appeared before Puebla.* The procrastination of the French commander had given the Mexican government time to elaborate the defense.

The task thus begun by M. Louet was subsequently completed by M. Paul Gaulot, in 1889, under the title, "La Verite sur l'Expedition du Mexique, d'apres les Documents Inedits d'Ernest Louet, Payeur-en-Chef du Corps Expeditionnaire," and divided into three parts: "Un Reve d'Empire," "L'Empire de Maximilien," and "Fin d'Empire."

Le prince de Galles, raconte Lord Seymour, dans des mémoires inédits, le prince de Galles assure et doit s'y connaître "qu'il n'y a pas une honnête femme

* See "La Verite sur l'Expedition du Mexique, d'apres les Documents Inedits de Ernest Louet, Payeur-en-Chef du Corps Expeditionnaire," edited by Paul Gaulot. Part I, "Reve d'Empire" p. 37, 4th ed. Ibid, p. 47. This letter was dated "Orizaba, March 17, 1862."

Even in the critical year 1758 only about eleven hundred were called to arms, except for two or three weeks in summer; though about four thousand were employed in transporting troops and supplies, for which service they received pay. Dénombrement des Milices, 1758, 1759. On the militia, see also Bougainville in Margry, Rélations et Mémoires inédits, 60, and N.Y. Col.

Fortunately, one of the daughters of Count Rostopchine had taken a copy of some passages of this precious manuscript. These passages were published in 1864 by a son of Rostopchine, Count Alexis R., in a book entitled "Materiaux en grande partie inedits, pour la biographie future du Comte Rostopchine," which is of a rare bibliographic value, for only twelve copies were printed.

But he had actually acknowledged its receipt almost immediately after Waterloo. In his son's little book, Le Marechal de Grouchy du 16me au 19me Juin, 1815, is printed among the Documents Historiques Inedits a paper styled "Allocution du Marechal Grouchy a quelques-uns des officiers generaux sous les ordres, lorsqu'il eut appris les desastres de Waterloo."

Of these are F. MICHEL'S Roles Gascons, vol. i., published in the French government series of Documents Inédits sur l'Histoire de France , including a "fragmentum rotuli Vasconiæ," 1242-1243, and "patentes littere facte in Wasconia," 1253-1254, years in which Henry III. was actually in Gascony.

Such were some of the errors with which Abelard was reproached. Whether they were actually contained in his writings, it is not so evident. We have only fragments of Abelard's writings to judge from, which have been collected by M. Cousin Ouvrages inedits d'Abelard and therefore cannot speak with certain knowledge of his opinions.

The Journal goes on to speak of a subject of peculiar literary and historical interest. April 11th. The publication in 1864 of three volumes of the letters of Marie Antoinette, under the title 'Louis XVI., Marie Antoinette et Madame Elisabeth. Lettres et Documents inedits; publies par F. Feuillet de Conches, and of another volume Correspondance inedite de Marie Antoinette.