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Then she chid him with soft words and began versifying in these couplets, "Hadst thou been leaf in love's loyalty, * Ne'er haddest suffered sleep to seal those eyne: O thou who claimest lover-loyalty, * Treading the lover's path of pain and pine! By Allah, O my cousin, never yet * Did eyes of lover sleep such sleep indign."

He was a dirty, ill-looking, thick-set fellow, with small eyes, wide face, and a low forehead. He added, "that he was a high-priest, and that, rather than submit to such debasement, he would return to his rajah, and inform him of the prodigious indign scrutiny of his holy person."

Such things are done every day in this glorious Revolution of ours done in the sacred name of France and of Liberty. And the moral murder of my child is to be my punishment for daring to turn a deaf ear to the indign passion of a brute!"

"I protest to God, though I be not superstitious, when I saw your M.'s book against Vorstius and Arminius, and noted your zeal to deliver the majesty of God from the vain and indign comprehensions of heresy and degenerate philosophy, as you had by your pen formerly endeavoured to deliver kings from the usurpation of Rome, perculsit illico animum that God would set shortly upon you some visible favour, and let me not live if I thought not of the taking away of that man."

"Pray'ee grant me some words from your lips, belike * Such mercy may comfort and cool these eyne: From the stress of my love and my pine for you, * I make light of what makes me despised, indign: Allah guard a folk whose abode was far, * And whose secret I kept in the holiest shrine: Now Fortune in kindness hath favoured me * Thrown on threshold dust of this love o' mine: By me bedded I looked on Budur, whose sun * The moon of my fortunes hath made to shine."