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Jist you stow some more o' that illigint soup inside your belt, sor, before I start on the job, an' while ye're aitin' I'll tell you how I once sarved out an old woman whom I was called in to docther, whin I was at ould Trinity, larnin' the profession, in faith!"

An' as soon as the wife an' the crathurs war fairly in bed, he brought out some illigint potteen, an' himself an' Jer Garvan sot down to it; an' begorra, the more anasy Terence got, the more he dhrank, and himself and Jer Garvan finished a quart betune them.

"Arrah! now, this illigint piece of meat will be enough to last us until we stop again for the night!" exclaimed Gillooly. "I'll race you now, and see who can get his whack down the fastest. If I win, you must hand over to me what remains of yours; and if you win, you shall have the remainder of my whack." "Dat would not be fair," answered Klitz.

He was just six feet high, Had a cast in his eye, And an illigint brogue, an illigint brogue! 'He was born in Killarney, And reared up in blarney "Arrah, don't be looking miserable and dissolute that way. Sure, I'm only screwing myself up for you; besides, you can print the song av you like. It's a sweet tune, 'Teddy, you Gander," "Really, Mr. Free, I see no prospect of our ever getting done."

"Arrah! now, this illigint piece of meat will be enough to last us until we stop again for the night!" exclaimed Gillooly. "I'll race you now, and see who can get his whack down the fastest. If I win, you must hand over to me what remains of yours; and if you win, you shall have the remainder of my whack." "Dat would not be fair," answered Klitz.

With this apology, therefore, I present Mr. Free's song: AIR, Na Guilloch y' Goulen. Oh, once we were illigint people, Though we now live in cabins of mud; And the land that ye see from the steeple Belonged to us all from the Flood. My father was then King of Connaught, My grand-aunt Viceroy of Tralee; But the Sassenach came, and signs on it, The devil an acre have we.