United States or San Marino ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Mannering; I am a plain man and do not dwell on these things, and I must needs say I have little memory for them; but I wish ye could have heard my father's stories about the auld fights of the Mac-Dingawaies that's the Bertrams that now is wi' the Irish and wi' the Highlanders that came here in their berlings from Ilay and Cantire; and how they went to the Holy Land that is, to Jerusalem and Jericho, wi' a' their clan at their heels they had better have gaen to Jamaica, like Sir Thomas Kittlecourt's uncle and how they brought hame relics like those that Catholics have, and a flag that's up yonder in the garret.

Mannering; I am a plain man and do not dwell on these things, and I must needs say I have little memory for them; but I wish ye could have heard my father's stories about the auld fights of the Mac-Dingawaies that's the Bertrams that now is wi' the Irish and wi' the Highlanders that came here in their berlings from Ilay and Cantire; and how they went to the Holy Land that is, to Jerusalem and Jericho, wi' a' their clan at their heels they had better have gaen to Jamaica, like Sir Thomas Kittlecourt's uncle and how they brought hame relics like those that Catholics have, and a flag that's up yonder in the garret.

Mannering; I am a plain man and do not dwell on these things, and I must needs say I have little memory for them; but I wish ye could have heard my father's stories about the auld fights of the Mac-Dingawaies that's the Bertrams that now is wi' the Irish and wi' the Highlanders that came here in their berlings from Ilay and Cantire; and how they went to the Holy Land that is, to Jerusalem and Jericho, wi' a' their clan at their heels they had better have gaen to Jamaica, like Sir Thomas Kittlecourt's uncle and how they brought hame relics like those that Catholics have, and a flag that's up yonder in the garret.