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But I understood, for the first time, how important a part circumstance and environment play in shaping one's mental attitude. How I longed, at times, to chat with colonels and to joke with captains on terms of equality! Whenever I confided these aspirations to Tommy he gazed at me in awe. "Don't be a bloomin' ijut! They could jolly well 'ang you fer that!"

But one woman says what would a ghost be doing in a cistern? Tom Alexander, he laughs and he says: "What in blazes you want to jump in there fur, Hank?" "You dern ijut!" says Hank, "you quit mocking me and get a ladder, and when I get out'n here I'll learn you to ast what did I want to jump in here fur!"

"You go to that there circus," says Hank, a-flaring up, "and I'll lambaste you up to a inch of your life. So fur as handing out money fur you to sling it to the dogs, I ain't no bank, and if I was I ain't no ijut. But you jest let me hear of you even going nigh that circus lot and all the lammings you has ever got, rolled into one, won't be a measly little sarcumstance to what you WILL get.

I've looked everywhere," and the clerk's eyes flashed danger as he turned them upon his master. "Well, look again. Don't stand thar starin' like an ijut!" The young man did as he was commanded. He searched and rummaged, but all in vain. "Oh, come out of that, an' let me thar," and Farrington shoved his way past the clerk, and fumbled excitedly in the box. "Ah-yes-no-fifty-sixty-Well, I declare!

"No, he ain't thet exactly, so much ez a harmless ijut. He was a Moravian preacher once. Jacob Boiler wuz his name, Dad told me, an' he lived with his wife an' four children somewheres out Pennsylvania way. Well, Penn he took his folks along to a Moravian meetin' camp-meetin' most like an' they stayed over jest one night in Johns-town. You've heered talk o' Johnstown?" Harvey considered.