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You did not see him when he arrived the last of March?" "I was visitin' my sister up in Hornville when he come back unexpected-like. This ijiot Loeb says he wrote me to meet 'em at Spanish Falls but I never got the letter. Like as not the durn fool got the address wrong. I didn't know Mr. Curtis was home till I come back from my sister's three days later.

"I reckin I got de strength to drive ary mule dey is." "I ain't sayin' you ain't," stated Bill Tilghman. "A born ijiot could drive dat mule, so I jedge you mout mek out to qualify. 'Tain't de drivin' of him hit's de hitchin' up of him which I speaks of."

The carriage drew nearer, and became dimly visible it was one of the tiny voiturettes peculiar to French towns. Suddenly the listeners heard a shout. The horse's feet ceased their regular beat on the roadway. Royson began to run, but Tagg vociferated: "Wait for me, you long ijiot! If you turn up alone they'll knife you before you can say 'Jack Robinson."

I guess if he had been kicked by calves as much as I have, he wouldn't talk so much about their Christian habits. "Leg of mutton with caper sass wall, it is nateral for sheep to caper and act sassy, and it is nobody's bizness. "Supreme pinted bogardus what in thunder is that? Supreme wall, I've hearn of a supreme ijiot, and I believe that Bogardus is his name.

If it was only Bill's letter we had to go on, you might talk; but there, don't be a ijiot! 'If it turned out as he hadn't nothing, remarked Clem resolutely, 'I'd leave him, if I was married fifty times. Her mother uttered a contemptuous sound. At the same time she moved her head as if listening; some one was, in fact, descending the stairs. 'Here he comes, she whispered.

He shook his head compassionately over the preposterous state of mind betrayed by such a demand, and with a fresh burst of abuse of his brother, and an assurance to the vicar's wife that he meant to 'gie that oald man nawtice when he got haum; he wasn't goan to hev his bisness spiled for nowt by an oald ijiot wi' a hed as full o' yale as a hayrick's full o' mice, he raised his whip and the clattering vehicle moved forward; Jim meanwhile preserving through all his brother's wrath and Mrs.

"Did you hear a shot fired somewhere?" he asked. "Yes. Among those trees." And Trenholme pointed. "It was a rifle, too," he added, with an eye at the twelve-bore. "So I thought," agreed the keeper. "Rather risky, isn't it, firing bullets in a place like this?" "I just want to find out who the ijiot is that did it. Excuse me, sir, I must be off." And man and dog hurried away.

He shook his head compassionately over the preposterous state of mind betrayed by such a demand, and with a fresh burst of abuse of his brother, and an assurance to the vicar's wife that he meant to 'gie that oald man nawtice when he got haum; he wasn't goan to hev his bisness spiled for nowt by an oald ijiot wi' a hed as full o' yale as a hayrick's full of mice, he raised his whip and the clattering vehicle moved forward; Jim meanwhile preserving through all his brother's wrath and Mrs.

He swayed now on one foot, now on the other, as if preparing for a dance, and his fists were clenched upon his hips. "You mean to say that's his reel name?" cried Polly, she, too, quivering and reddening. "I do. Now mind, Polly; mind what you say, my girl! I won't stand it a second time." "Don't go on like a ijiot!" exclaimed the girl, starting up from her chair.

"'Where did this come from? he asked. "'She had it in her mouth, says O'Toole. "'Well, it's one av th' buttons off a uniform that ain't healthy to be wearin' around these parts just now. An' then they both looked hard at th' little thing. "'D'ye s'pose it cud have been? asked O'Toole. "'Been what? says Garnett. "'Jameson, ye blatherin' ijiot.