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On sait que la tristesse annonce le genie; Nous avons deja fait des progres etonnans, Que de tristes ecrits que de tristes romans! Des plus noires horreurs nous sommes idolatres, Et la melancolie a gagne nos theatres." "What!" cried I, "are you so well acquainted with my favourite book?" "Your's!" exclaimed Vincent. "'Tell us what hath chanced to-day, That Caesar looks so sad?"

This people so despiseth al other men, and thincke theim selues so farre to surmount them in wisedome and goodnes: that thei abhorre to speake to theim, or to compaignie with theim. Thei calle the Pope and all Christen menne, Doggues and Idolatres: because thei honour stones and blocques.

The Signal of Butchery. Montcalm, Bougainville, and several others say that the massacre was begun by the Abenakis of Panaouski. Father Martin, in quoting the letter in which Montcalm makes this statement, inserts the word idolâtres, which is not in the original. Dussieux and O'Callaghan give the passage correctly.

On sait que la tristesse annonce le genie; Nous avons deja fait des progres etonnans, Que de tristes ecrits que de tristes romans! Des plus noires horreurs nous sommes idolatres, Et la melancolie a gagne nos theatres." "What!" cried I, "are you so well acquainted with my favourite book?" "Your's!" exclaimed Vincent.