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By no means: and far be ever from the commonwealth so unfortunate a situation. Yet, even when such was the case, you refused this to their prayers. But it is not duty, nor solicitude for their friends; it is religion that has collected them together. They are about to receive the Idaean Mother, coming out of Phrygia from Pessinus!

For both the Claudias belonged to it; she, who, when the ship freighted with things sacred to the Idaean Mother of the Gods , stuck fast in the shallows of the Tiber, got it off, by praying to the Goddess with a loud voice, "Follow me, if I am chaste;" and she also, who, contrary to the usual practice in the case of women, was brought to trial by the people for treason; because, when her litter was stopped by a great crowd in the streets, she openly exclaimed, "I wish my brother Pulcher was alive now, to lose another fleet, that Rome might be less thronged."

Observe, I do not compare the wines; I distinguish the qualities. Let them live together for our enrichment; they are not rivals like the Idaean Three. Were they rivals, a fourth would challenge them. Burgundy has great genius. It does wonders within its period; it does all except to keep up in the race; it is short-lived. An aged Burgundy runs with a beardless Port.

It ran thus: "Whensoever a foreign enemy should bring war into the land of Italy, he may be driven out of Italy and conquered, if the Idaean Mother should be brought from Pessinus to Rome."

About this time the temple of the great Idaean Mother was dedicated; which deity, on her being brought from Asia, in the consulate of Publius Cornelius Scipio, afterwards surnamed Africanus, and Publius Lucinius, the above-mentioned Publius Cornelius had conducted from the sea-side to the Palatine.

J. J. Atkinson, actually knew a Kaneka who died in three days after an amour like that of Anchises. The Breton ballad, Le Sieur Nan, turns on the same opinion. The amour of Thomas the Rhymer is a mediaeval analogue of the Idaean legend. Aphrodite has better claims than most Greek Gods to Oriental elements.

And near it they heaped an altar of small stones, and wreathed their brows with oak leaves and paid heed to sacrifice, invoking the mother of Dindymum, most venerable, dweller in Phrygia, and Titias and Cyllenus, who alone of many are called dispensers of doom and assessors of the Idaean mother, the Idaean Dactyls of Crete, whom once the nymph Anchiale, as she grasped with both hands the land of Oaxus, bare in the Dictaean cave.

And in Shelley's "Prometheus" Jupiter calls to his cup-bearer thus: "Pour forth heaven's wine, Idaean Ganymede, And let it fill the Daedal cups like fire." The beautiful legend of the "Choice of Hercules" may be found in the "Tatler," No. 97. Theseus was the son of Aegeus, king of Athens, and of Aethra, daughter of the king of Troezen.

Come, be ready to perform for me the task I will tell thee of, and I will give thee Zeus' all-beauteous plaything the one which his dear nurse Adrasteia made for him, while he still lived a child, with childish ways, in the Idaean cave a well-rounded ball; no better toy wilt thou get from the hands of Hephaestus.

And in Shelley's "Prometheus" Jupiter calls to his cup-bearer thus: "Pour forth heaven's wine, Idaean Ganymede, And let it fill the Daedal cups like fire." The beautiful legend of the "Choice of Hercules" may be found in the "Tatler," No. 97. Theseus was the son of Aegeus, king of Athens, and of Aethra, daughter of the king of Troezen.