United States or Bahamas ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Also see M. A. S. Hume, Spain, its Greatness and Decay, 1479-1788 , ch. i-vi, for a general account of the reigns of Philip II and Philip III; and Paul Herre, Papstium und Papstwahl im Zeitalter Philipps II for a sympathetic treatment of Philip's relations with the papacy.

On Poland: W. A. Phillips, Poland , ch. i-vi, a convenient volume in the "Home University Library"; R. N. Bain, Slavonic Europe: a Political History of Poland and Russia from 1447 to 1796 , ch. v-xix; Cambridge Modern History, Vol.

I , ch. xii, xiii; J. A. R. Marriott, The Remaking of Modern Europe, 1789-1878 , ch. i-vi; H. E. Bourne, The Revolutionary Period in Europe, 1763- 1815 , ch. Vi-xvi; H. M. Stephens, Revolutionary Europe, 1789-1815 , ch. ii-vi; J. H. Rose, Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era, 1789-1815 , ch.

XXI of History of All Nations, ch. i-vi; R. G. Watson, Spanish and Portuguese South America, 2 vols. ; Bernard Moses, The Establishment of Spanish Rule in America , and, by the same author, The Spanish Dependencies in South America, 2 vols. . With special reference to Asiatic India: Mountstuart Elphinstone, History of India: the Hindu and Mohametan Periods, 9th ed. , an old but still valuable work on the background of Indian history; Sir W. W. Hunter, A Brief History of the Indian Peoples, rev. ed. , and, by the same author, A History of British India to the opening of the eighteenth century, 2 vols.

A good brief account of the Revolution is in Smith's The Wars Between England, and America , chaps, I-VI; a fuller and better account in Channing's History of the United States, III, chaps. I-XII; all things considered the ablest summary is Lecky's The American Revolution. An able and suggestive work is Fisher's The Struggle for American Independence, 2 vols. 1908.

For brief reading: WESTERMARCK, History of Human Marriage, Chaps. I-VI. HOWARD, History of Matrimonial Institutions, Vol. I, Chaps. I-III HEINEMAN, Physical Basis of Civilization, Chaps. For more extended reading: CRAWLEY, The Mystic Rose: A Study of Primitive Marriage. GEDDES AND THOMSON, Evolution of Sex. LETOURNEAU, The Evolution of Marriage. MORGAN, Ancient Society.

III , ch. i-vi; W. H. Woodward, A Short History of the Expansion of the British Empire, 1500-1911, 3d ed. , ch. i-v; A. T. Story, The Building of the British Empire , Part I, 1558-1688; H. C. Morris, The History of Colonization , Vol. I, Part III, ch. x- xii, Vol. II, ch. xvi-xviii.

W.G. Koons, Child's Religious Life, sec. II. Eaton & Mains, $1.00. J. Sully, Children's Ways, chap. vi. Appleton, $1.25. II. Further Reading George Hodges, The Training of Children in Religion, chaps. i-vi. Appleton, $1.50. George E. Dawson, The Child and His Religion, chap. ii. The University of Chicago Press, $0.75. Edward Lyttleton, The Corner-Stone of Education, chap. viii. Putnam, $1.50.

The most readable account of the founding of Virginia is in Fiske's Old Virginia and Her Neighbours, I chaps. I-VI. John Smith's account of the settlement of Jamestown is in his True Relation, printed in Arber, Works of Captain John Smith. Birmingham, 1884. They are too delicate and unfitte to beginne new Plantations and Collonies, that cannot endure the biting of a muskeeto.