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It was before the opening of the Drammen Railway, and it was a dreadfully long carriole drive from Christiania to Drammen. But everything depended upon getting off hyp getting to Drammen hyp, hyp in time to catch the train which left for Modum at two o'clock. Hyp oh, dear, if the train should be gone to wait until next day alone in Drammen!

"But, of course," continued Roy, soberly, "a scout is not supposed to think of himself especially a Silver Fox. I am a Silver Fox sterling warranted. A scout is a brother to every other scout. He ought to be ready to make sacrifices." "He ought not to stand by and see a fellow scout in danger. "Well, go ahead and sac, why don't you?" shouted Pee-wee in disgust. "You're a hyp "

"Like Macedon's Madman, my glass I'll enjoy, Defying hyp, gravel, or gout; He cried when he had no more worlds to destroy, I'll weep when my liquor is out, My brave boys. "On their stumps some have fought, and as stoutly will I, When reeling, I roll on the floor; Then my legs must be lost, so I'll drink as I lie, And dare the best Buck to do more, My brave boys.

"Hip hooray!" concluded several scouts. "You're a hyp hyp hypocrite!" Pee-wee managed to ejaculate amid the tumult. "I am ready to sac " "Oh, go on, sac and be done with it!" "I am ready to sacrifice myself for Tom Slade," finished Roy, magnanimously. "Tom," he added, extending his hand across the table with a noble air of martyrdom, "Tom, I will go with you!" The meeting broke up gaily, Mr.

FORM. and HYP. They said, That to go to the gate for entrance was, by all their countrymen, counted too far about; and that, therefore, their usual way was to make a short cut of it, and to climb over the wall, as they had done. CHR. But will it not be counted a trespass against the Lord of the city whither we are bound, thus to violate His revealed will?

"Where is the difference? to share his desolation, and take half his blue devils on your own shoulders, till he will hyp you so that to get away you will consent to marry into his set the county set some beggarly old family that came down from the Conquest, and has been going down ever since; so then he will let you fly with a string: you must vegetate two miles from him; so then he can have you in to Backquette and write his letters: he will settle four hundred a year on you, and you will be miserable for life."

The horse went full swing over a roaring watercourse as he spoke, and alighted safe on the opposite bank, but the gravelly soil was treacherous; it gave way, and the animal's hind legs slipped back. With a bound Dick sprang to the ground. "Hyp, good horse," he cried, raising the rein. A powerful effort, and footing was regained. Then a long strip of tangled forest appeared. Dick diverged here.

FORM. and HYP. They told him, That custom, it being of so long a standing as above a thousand years, would, doubtless, now be admitted as a thing legal by any impartial judge; and beside, said they, if we get into the way, what's matter which way we get in? if we are in, we are in; thou art but in the way, who, as we perceive, came in at the gate; and we, are also in the way, that came tumbling over the wall; wherein, now, is thy condition better than ours?

When once hyp and hypt were confounded with hip and hipped, hyppish would suffer and lose definition. But hypt and hipped combined forces, and were probably even from the first in their present uncertain condition, for when nowadays a man says that he is hipped, he has no definite notion of what he means except that he is in some way, either in his loins or mind incapacitated and out of sorts.

De Fin, v. 5; Lucullus, 22, 43. Sext. Emp. Pyrrh. Hyp. i. 33. Acad. Quæst. i. 4; de Nat. Deor. i. 7. Lucullus, 20; see also de Nat. Deor. i. 7; de Fin. i. 5. "Nobis autem nostra Academia magnam licentiam dat, ut, quodcunque maximè probabile occurrat, id nostro jure liceat defendere." De Off. iii. 4. See also Tusc. Quæst. iv. 4, v. 29; de Invent. ii. 3. De Legg. i. 13. Tusc.