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We're born fit," said Pigeon, "and our ten-year-olds could knock spots out of your twelve-year-olds." "I may as well explain," said the Boy, "that the Dove is our 'swop' officer. He's an untamed Huskie from Nootka Sound when he's at home. An I. G. Corps exchanges one officer every two years with a Canadian or Australian or African Guard Corps.

"Well, there'll always be disagreements as to the merits of the various racing dogs; but for a good all around intelligent and faithful worker, I have never found a dog that could outdo Dubby here," and "Scotty" affectionately caressed the old huskie who had come into the Kennel with his friend Texas Allan, the cat, to find out what was interfering with an expected walk.

A'tim the Outcast was half Wolf, half Huskie Dog. That meant ferocity and bloodthirst on the one side, and knowledge of Man's ways on the other. Also, that he was an Outcast; for neither side of the house of his ancestry would have aught of him.

I am glad he is going to get killed." "Who are you?" asked Big White Bear. "I'm Huskie, the Malemute dog. Who are you?" "I am a Polar Bear. Where did you come from?" "My home's over there on the shore," said Huskie, pointing his nose toward shore. "Where'd you come from?" "I came from far, far North. I've never been here before. Didn't mean to come this time.

"It's just as I have told you. I am no fighter. I never hurt anybody, unless I am driven to do so. I'll not kill you, but I am going to make your teeth chatter so you can't call your master." At that, Big White Bear dropped right down into the cold, cold water with Huskie in his arms. Now Big White Bear lives half the time in water, and he does not mind it a bit. But poor Huskie!

"You think so?" Big White Bear put out his front paw which was as big as the trunk of a small tree. Huskie dodged. "Look," said Big White Bear. Huskie looked at Big White Bear's claws. They were not as long as his own. They were broad and blunt, just sharp enough for climbing over the ice.

The latter went along, just out of Politeness, but he was a good deal disappointed in his Friend. It certainly did seem trifling for a Huskie weighing one hundred and eighty to pick on something about the size of a Robin's Egg. Mr. Pallzey played Gallery all around the Course.

Now mebbe you'll give me a drink of water and shoot that devilish huskie that keeps howling every now and then out there as though death was after me." "Nervous?" said MacVeigh, stretching his strong young frame with another sigh of satisfaction. "What if you had to write this twice a year?" And he pointed at the report. "It isn't any longer than the letters you wrote to that girl of yours "

While most gratifying of all, Dubby came in to express, with strenuous waggings of his stubby but eloquent tail, his surprise and satisfaction that a member of a purely sporting fraternity had distinguished himself so highly; had acted, in fact, in a manner worthy of a dependable huskie.

"No touch huskie!" he exclaimed. "Heem half wolf half dog work hard but no lak to be touch!" "Wow!" exclaimed Howland. "And they're the sweetest looking pups I ever laid eyes on. I'm certainly running up against some strange things in this country!" He was dead tired when night came. And yet never in all his life had he enjoyed a day so much as this one.