United States or Armenia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In this were displayed black-letter volumes and books in the clear pale types of Aldus and Elzevir: in the next, you might see the Penny Horrific Register; the Halfpenny Annals of Crime and History of the most celebrated murderers of all countries, The Raff's Magazine, The Larky Swell, and other publications of the penny press; whilst at the next window, portraits of ill-favoured individuals, with fac-similes of the venerated signatures of the Reverend Grimes Wapshot, the Reverend Elias Howle, and the works written and the sermons preached by them, showed the British Dissenter where he could find mental pabulum.

You can apply this : And here I prophecie I, that have lyvd And dye a free man, shall when I am ashes Be sensible of your groanes and wishes for me; And when too late you see this Goverment Changd to a Monarchie youll howle in vaine And wish you had a Barnavelt againe. Now lead me where you will: a speedy Sentence: I am ready for it and 'tis all I ask you. Actus Quintus.

Japazaws treading oft on the Captaine's foot, to remember he had done his part, the Captaine when he saw his time, perswaded Pocahontas to the gun-roome, faining to have some conference with Japazaws, which was only that she should not perceive he was any way guiltie of her captivitie: so sending for her againe, he told her before her friends, she must goe with him, and compound peace betwixt her Countrie and us, before she ever should see Powhatan, whereat the old Jew and his wife began to howle and crie as fast as Pocahontas, that upon the Captaine's fair perswasions, by degrees pacifying her selfe, and Japazaws and his wife, with the Kettle and other toys, went merrily on shore, and she to James towne.

'Tis nothing: Imagination onely makes it monstrous. When we are sick we endure a hundred fitts, This is but one; a hundred waies of torture, And cry and howle, weary of all about us, Our frends, allyes, our children teadious to us, Even our best health is but still sufferaunce.

May no wolfe howle; no screech owle stir A wing about thy sepulchre! No boysterous winds or stormes come hither, To starve or wither Thy soft sweet earth! but, like a spring, Love kept it ever flourishing.

Smith, who condenses this account in his "General Historie," expresses his contempt of this Indian treachery by saying: "The old Jew and his wife began to howle and crie as fast as Pocahuntas."

Put fate into his hand? into his will Our lives and fortunes? howle and crye to our owne clay "Be mercifull, ô Prince?" ô, pittied people! Base, base, poore patch men! You dare not heare this; You have sold your eares to slavery; begon and flatter. When ere your politick Prince putts his hooke into my nose Here must he put his Sword too. Bred. We lament ye. Enter the Son. Son. We are undon, Sir.

The howle counthry was up, and they with a trench cut across the road as wide as a canal. 'Well, what do you think we had better do with these fellows? Do you think they will take the twenty per cent.? ''Tis impossible to say. Gad! the Lague is gittin' stronger ivery day, Barton. But they ought to take it; twenty per cent. will bring it very nearly to Griffith's. 'But if they don't take it?

Ficks, "Joe" Hesketh, Matthew Fircombe, Lord Boxgrove, old Tommy Lawson, "Bill", Mr. Compton, Mr. Mannering, his son, Mr. William Mannering, and his nephew Mr. Muntzer, Mr. Eartham, dear, courteous, old-world Squire Howle, and that prime favourite, Lord Mann. "Sambo" Courthorpe, Ring, the Coffee-cooler, and Harry Sark, with all the Forfarshire lot, also fell under my eye, as did Maxwell, Mr. Gam

Smith, who condenses this account in his "General Historie," expresses his contempt of this Indian treachery by saying: "The old Jew and his wife began to howle and crie as fast as Pocahuntas."