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Bontius, Riccius, Jarricus, Almeyda. Horstius, Alvarez Semeda, Martinivus in his China Atlas, and Alexander de Rhodes in his Voyage and Missions, in a large discourse of the ordering of this leaf, and the many virtues of the drink, printed in Paris, 1653, part x, chap.13.

Hannaeus, in 1686, issued a paper on such a case under the title, "Mater, Infantis Mortui Vivum Sepulchrum," which may be found in French translation. Buchner speaks of a fetus being retained in the uterus for six years, and Horstius relates a similar case. Schmidt's Jahrbucher contain the report of a woman of forty-nine, who had borne two children.

Horstius, Fabricius Hildanus, and Schenck, all record instances of death from hemorrhage of the gums. Tulpius speaks of hemoptysis lasting chronically for thirty years, and there is a similar record of forty years' duration in the Ephemerides. Chapman gives several instances of extreme hemorrhage from epistaxis.

Horstius gives a history of three young brothers who became somnambulistic at the same epoch.

Bartholinus, Paullinus, Blanchard, Bonet, the Ephemerides, Fabricius Hildanus, Horstius, Morgagni, Peyer, Rhodius, Vogel, Salmuth, Percy, Laurent, and others describe it. Fabricius d'Aquapendente personally knew a victim of rumination, or, as it is generally called, merycism. The dissection by Bartholinus of a merycol showed nothing extraordinary in the cadaver.

Horstius, ab Heers, and many others of the older writers recorded interesting examples of this phenomenon. Schenck remarks on the particular way in which somnambulists seem to escape injury. Haller, Hoffmann, Gassendi, Caelius Rhodiginus, Pinel, Hechler, Bohn, Richter, in fact nearly all the ancient physiologists and anatomists have written on this subject.

Paulus aegenita discusses the disease. The Arabian writers have described elephantiasis graecorum under the name of juzam, which their translators have rendered by the word lepra. Later, Hensler, Fernel Pare, Vesalius, Horstius, Forestus, and others have discussed it. The statistics of leprosy in Europe pale before the numbers affected in the East.

Because Dom Mabillon gives four hundred and seventeen epistles of Saint Bernard, while Merlonus Horstius only gives three hundred and sixty-seven, I do not despise Merlonus Horstius." "Neither do I." "Merit consists in working according to one's strength. A cloister is not a dock-yard." "And a woman is not a man. But my brother is the strong one, though!" "And can you get a lever?"

Akin to the foregoing condition is what is known as petrifaction or ossification of portions of the living human body other than the articulations. Of the older writers Hellwigius, Horstius, and Schurig speak of petrifaction of the arm.

Bartholinus, Wolff, Schenck, Horstius, Hagendorn, Fabricius Hildanus, Valerius, Rolfinck, Cornarius, Boener, and other older writers cite cases of this kind. Pinard gives a most wonderful case. The patient was a woman of thirty-eight who had experienced five previous normal labors.