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Bontius, Riccius, Jarricus, Almeyda. Horstius, Alvarez Semeda, Martinivus in his China Atlas, and Alexander de Rhodes in his Voyage and Missions, in a large discourse of the ordering of this leaf, and the many virtues of the drink, printed in Paris, 1653, part x, chap.13.

It was from his writings that truer notions of Chinese civilization than had hitherto prevailed, began to spread in the West. "Mat. Riccius the Jesuite," says Burton in his Anatomy of Melancholy , "and some others, relate of the industry of the Chinaes most populous countreys, not a beggar, or an idle person to be seen, and how by that means they prosper and flourish."

NICOLAI. A tolerably regular ring-plain, 18 miles in diameter, S. of Riccius, with a border, rising more than 6000 feet above a level floor, on the N. side of which Schmidt shows a minute crater. The bright plain surrounding this formation abounds in small craters; and on the W. is a number of curious enclosures, many of them overlapping.

There is a large crater on the N.W., a ring-plain on the S.W. side, and a multitude of little craters on the surrounding plain. RICCIUS. A ring-plain, 51 miles in diameter, of a very irregular type, S.E. of the last. The interior includes a bright crater and some smaller objects of the same class.