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Bailiff, and the post uncertain to parts so distant from the capital as these; so I'll thank you to make out the lease to me now, and on May Day place me in possession. 'So be it then, said the bailiff a little testily, 'but blame me not for driving hard bargains; for the Duchy, whose servant I am, and he raised his hat, 'is no daughter of the horse-leech. Fill in the figures, Mr.

The craving first appeared in the shape of a horrid gnawing at the stomach; afterwards this indefinite yearning gave place to a specific one, which was unmistakable in its demands. Daily, like the daughters of the horse-leech, it cried, "Give, give!"

"A cursed ungentle son-in-law, truly!" said he; "the hard iron pains me like the bite of a horse-leech. Cursed be the hearth whereon it was heated, and the smith who formed it! So sharp is it! Henceforth, whenever I go up hill, I shall have a scant in my breath, and a pain in my chest, and I shall often loathe my food." And they went to meat. And the third day they returned to the palace.

Clever and unscrupulous as she was they called her the "judicious Hooker" she must have been conscious of her utter inability to satisfy them. She knew, too, that if, by any dispensation, one were removed, five daughters of the horse-leech would still remain, with ravenous appetites unappeased. Yet the poor old bird was cheerful, and sometimes, after supper, would chirp quite merrily.

The knights again withdrew, and as they were going he took the second dart and cast it after them. But Menw caught it and flung it back, piercing Yspathaden's breast with it, so that it came out at the small of his back. "A cursed ungentle son-in-law, truly," says he, "the hard iron pains me like the bite of a horse-leech. Cursed be the hearth whereon it was heated!

Was that voluptuous when she held him to a brother's part, and soothed his passions into slumber with quiet talk of sweet and sober things? And yet in Darco's face, to one who knew him as well as Paul did, there had been a mournful look when he had spoken of the most dangerous of all the daughters of the horse-leech. Out with the thought out with it 'trample it down!

When a Samson does now and then pull a temple down about their ears, is he not sure to be engulfed in the ruin with them? There is no horse-leech that sticks so fast as your latter-day Philistine. "So you have caught Sir George, after all," said Lady Lufton; and that was nearly all she did say in allusion to his absence.

"This is the night for the examination of accounts, of last week's expenses, and I shall be busy with Sister Elena, our book-keeper; moreover, I promised to look over the linen closet of the Infirmary, with Sister Consuelo, whose demands are like those of the daughter of the horse-leech. Is your business urgent?" "Yes; but I will not detain you more than ten minutes."

One tremendous word loomed large before his hearers, nor could any misunderstand when he talked about SIN, and the arousing thought was pressed ever closer to them by his pointed use of the word YOU. Here is an example: "Did you ever make a prey of the poor and helpless? Are you like the horse-leech, ever crying, 'Give, give! still wanting more profit, and never thinking you have enough?

'Daughter of the horse-leech crying "give," and sucking blood from the hand it gives! she continued. 'Sir Charles Grandison would never have kicked a man when he was down, he said. 'He would have tried to do good even to the viper he had nourished. The memory of Sir Charles's well-known method even with the most villainous, appeared to distract her attention for a moment.