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Un homme voyoit venir de loin un medecin de sa connoissance qui l'avoit traite plusieurs annees auparavant dans une maladie; il se detourna, et cacha son visage pour n'etre pas reconnu. On lui demandoit, "Pourquoi." "C'est," dit-il, "que je suis honteux devant lui de ce qu'il y a fort long temps que je n'ai ete malade."

It is like Sterne's want of sous when he went to relieve the Pauvre Honteux. October 4. I ought to record with gratitude to God Almighty the continued health of body and mind, which He hath vouchsafed to grant me.

They could scarcely have found worse agents. The Mayors have proved themselves thoroughly inefficient administrators, and most of them are noisy, unpractical humbugs. Colonel Stuart Wortley and Mr. Moore are very anxious to find means to approach what are called here les pauvres honteux; that is to say, persons who are in want of assistance, but who are ashamed to ask for it.

The most singular circumstance, however, connected with impotency is, that for a long time there existed exclusively in France a particular kind of proof called The Judicial Congress. In the old jurisprudence of that country but little value was attached to moral proofs; all was made to depend upon material ones, which were made by witnesses. The whole enquiry after truth was made to depend upon the establishment of the fact, and, too frequently, the administrators of the law were not over-scrupulous as to the nature of the testimony by which it was to be proved. Provided there were such testimony, no matter of whatever kind, no matter how contradictory to common sense, justice pronounced itself satisfied, for, relying upon this testimony it was enabled to pronounce its decision, and this was all it required. Hence all those personal examinations of litigants, so often practised formerly, and hence the judge, whatever might be the nature of the suit or complaint, ordered a report to be made by parties chosen to that effect, and who were called experts or examiners. This mode of procedure was employed in cases in which a woman applied for a divorce from her husband on the ground of impotency: hence arose the Congrés, in which the justice of the application was to be proved in the presence of examiners appointed to give in a report upon the case to the court. "Ce qui est encore plus honteux," says a writer of the 17th century, "c'est qu'un quelques procés, les hommes ont visité la femme, et au contraire, les femmes ont été admises

He added: "M. de Saint-Aulaire a beaucoup d'esprit. Mais il est devot, et, ce qui pis est, devot honteux. Il va se cacher dans quelque hameau pour faire ses Paques." This was a curious remark from a Bishop. He told several stories about the political men of France; not of any great value in themselves; but his way of telling them was beyond all praise, concise, pointed, and delicately satirical.

I coolly read aloud both exercises, marking the faults then I looked at Eulalie: "C'est honteux!" said I, and I deliberately tore her dictation in four parts, and presented her with the fragments. I returned Sylvie her book with a smile, saying "C'est bien je suis content de vous."

"Marsorio has made another epigram, and mistaking me for Pasquin has just whispered it in my ear!" "What did he say? Tell us what our good Marsorio says! Repeat the epigram!" saluted the speaker on every side. "Here it is," returned the voice. "A nos yeux etonnes de sa simplicite Falkenstein a montre la majeste sans faste; Chez nous par un honteux contraste Qu'a-t'il trouve?

Milord Anglois the very sound was worth the money; so I gave MY LAST SOUS FOR IT. But in the eagerness of giving, I had overlooked a pauvre honteux, who had had no one to ask a sous for him, and who, I believe, would have perished, ere he could have ask'd one for himself: he stood by the chaise a little without the circle, and wiped a tear from a face which I thought had seen better days. -Good God! said I and I have not one single sous left to give him.

"Taisez-vous, taisez-vous, Clarah! C'est honteux mon Dieu!" The next afternoon they all drove in a high wide brake with an awning, five miles out into the country to have tea at a forest-inn. The inn appeared at last standing back from the wide roadway along which they had come, creamy-white and grey-roofed, long and low and with overhanging eaves, close against the forest.

Je suis si honteux de ce qui se passe en France que je n'ose pas vous en parler, et je me borne a vous serrer bien cordialement la main. The Journal then notes: The year began at Foxholes. The Ogilvies there for three weeks. Came to London on January 3rd. February 4th. Sir Henry Maine died at Cannes. A great loss. March 5th. The railroad from Brockenhurst to Christchurch opened.