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Thrice they were lifted and at each uplifting there rose a deep-throated cry of Hiya, which is the Arabic for She, and I suppose was a salutation to Ayesha. She swept on taking no heed, till we came to the centre of the square where a number of men were gathered who prostrated themselves in the usual fashion. Motioning to them to rise she said,

When he climbed through the hatch to Roger's station, he found his unit-mate tilted back in his chair, staring through the crystal blister over his head. "Hiya, spaceboy," smiled Roger. He indicated the blister. "Take a look at the wide, deep and high." Tom looked up and saw the deep blackness that was space. "It's like looking into a mirror, Roger," he breathed in awe.

There was a gangling figure walking down the concrete path between the trim, monotonous cottages that were officers' quarters at the Shed. Joe said sharply: "That's Haney! What's he doing here?" He called, "Haney!" Haney's manner took on purpose. He came across the grass the lawns around the officers' quarters contained the only grass in twenty miles. "Hiya," said Haney uncomfortably.

Thereupon Hiya, without delay, returned to the dwelling, remarking that otherwise her absence might be detected and the entire circumstance thereby discovered, leaving Yang Hu to continue his journey and again present himself before Tung Fel, as he had been instructed. Tung Fel was engaged with brush and ink when Yang Hu entered.

The Rezuites, it seemed, were habitual cannibals, whereas the Lulalaite branch of the Amahagger only practised cannibalism occasionally when by a lucky chance they got hold of strangers. "Such as yourself, Watcher-by-Night, and your companions," he added with meaning. If their crime were discovered, however, Hiya, She-who-commands, punished it by death.

The subdued whine of the hyperdrive filled the power deck and made Roger wince as he stepped through the hatch and waved at Astro. He climbed down the ladder and stopped beside the big Venusian who stood stripped to the waist, watching the pressure gauges on the power-deck control board. "Hiya, Roger," said Astro with a big grin. "Hello, Astro," replied Roger and sat down on a stool near by.

They all three jumped when Jeff Marshall, Professor Sykes's aide, entered and boomed a cheerful greeting. "Hi, fellas!" "Hiya," muttered Tom. Astro and Roger merely nodded. "Say!" cried Jeff, his usually cheerful face showing concern. "What's the matter with you three guys? You look as though someone told you there isn't any Moon!" "Worse than that," said Roger.

Yet if the adorable Hiya will prove the unchanging depths of her constantly expressed intention by accompanying him as far as the village of Hing where suitable marriage ceremonies can be observed without delay, the exile will in reality be in the nature of a triumphal procession, and the emotions with which this person has hitherto regarded the entire circumstance will undergo a complete and highly accomplished change."

He whipped off the sunglasses that all moles wore topside by day and began to pound Gusterson on the back while calling boisterously, "How are you, Gussy Old Boy, Old Boy?" Daisy came in from the kitchen to see why Gusterson was choking. She was instantly grabbed and violently bussed to the accompaniment of, "Hiya, Gorgeous! Yum-yum! How about ad-libbing that some weekend?"

"I understand Arabic of a kind well enough, having learned it on the East Coast and from Arabs in past years, but not such Arabic as you use, O " and I paused. "Call me Hiya," she broke in, "which is my title here, meaning, as you know, She, or Woman. Or if that does not please you, call me Ayesha.