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Rapid Progress of Twin Sacred Undertakings On eve of convocation of history-making, long eagerly anticipated African Intercontinental Conference share with communities of Bahá’í world the joyous news of the rapid progress of the twin sacred undertakings launched on the Mountain of God and the holy Plain of Akká, destined to culminate in the erection of worthy sepulchers of the Herald and Author of the Bahá’í Revelation.

Sore throats, colds, and pneumonia resulted, and many a homesick boy who learned to wade the rice swamps and to face the Mauser's bullets fearlessly had his first hard lesson of endurance taught to him before he left Camp Leedy on the old Topeka Fair Ground. Wonderful history-making filled up the May days.

Susan had been obliged to gather such bits of driftwood as had floated to her chair, during the history-making season, and draw such pleasure from it as she could. The strain had worn upon the paralyzed body. The active mind had stretched and stretched for material until the helpless frame weakened. The sharp tongue was two-edged now, and gossip that reached Susan Jane assumed the blackest color.

Away back in the days when they lived with wife, child, flock in frontier wooden fortresses and hardly ventured forth for water, salt, game, tillage in the very summer of that wild daylight ride of Tomlinson and Bell, by comparison with which, my children, the midnight ride of Paul Revere, was as tame as the pitching of a rocking-horse in a boy's nursery on that history-making twelfth of August, of the year 1782, when these two backwoods riflemen, during that same Revolution the Kentuckians then fighting a branch of that same British army, rushed out of Bryan's Station for the rousing of the settlements and the saving of the West hemp was growing tall and thick near the walls of the fort.

In those history-making days the First Lord of the Admiralty was George Montagu Dunk, First Earl of Sandwich, Second Baron and First Earl of Halifax, and Captain Cook took several opportunities of preserving his patron's name. The First Earl Sandwich of Hinchinbrook was the "my lord" of the gossiping Pepys.

Pointed brown-green mountains were crowned with pointed green-brown ruins, hoary after much history-making; and at the pointed mountains' brown-green feet those avant-courriers of the South, almond trees, had sat down to rest on their way home. Still we flew on; but at Sisteron Jack slowed down the motor. Here was something too curious for even spoiled sightseers to pass in a hurry.

Far and wide the word was rapidly passing that Yuan Shih-kai was not the man he had once been: he was in reality feeble and choleric prematurely old from too much history-making and too many hours spent in the harem. He had indeed become a mere Colossus with feet of clay, a man who could be hurled to the ground by precisely the same methods he had used to destroy the Manchus.

He threw back his head with sudden boyishness, and chuckled, "I ought to know; I've had experience," he said. His look settled again thoughtfully. "Did I ever tell you that story the story about the day I rode seventy-five miles? Well, I did that several times I rode it once to see my wife. But this was the first time, and a good deal happened. It was a history-making day for me all right.

They were going now to put the indelible mark of conquest by a civilized Government, on a crafty and dangerous foe, to plough a fire-guard of safety about the frontier homes. Small heed we gave to this history-making, it is true, as we pressed silently onward through those dreary late winter days. It was a soldier's task we had accepted, and we were following the flag.

Church's clear-sighted interpretations of the mind and life of Dante, and of the history-making Commedia, attest the importance of including the poet and his work in this record of Great Events. The Divina Commedia is one of the landmarks of history.